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Moments such as these were what girls dreamed of; spectacular dresses, pretty hair, headbands topped with crystals. Extravagance at its finest.

Emmeline's earings dangled low on her ears and glistened as she walked by any light. Her dress was light blue with another layer of clear fabric over the skirt embroidered with white flowers. Like most dresses, there was a ribbon bellow the breasts and short sleeves. White gloves slipped on her hands and Florence smiled at her.

"You will make a beautiful wife." She whispered to her waich made Emmeline smile.

"Only if I am engaged." Emme corrected her maid.

After they finished getting ready Emme, Daph and their Mama got in the carriage bringing them to the recently widowed's party. Everyone thought her to be the happiest dowager around with the fact she had a baby son, the true host of the event.

On the inside of the party, the entertainment swung around in hola-hoops with much less clothes then what's seen as decent. One could wonder how acts like this could be that proper, but this was high society, and what happens here goes.

William walked up to Emme and smirked his devious smile. She looked at her very curiously for he had something on his mind.

"You seem to be in a good mood." She giggled at the man.

"Indeed I am, I did something today that is a secret." The prince asserted.

"So you have another secret now?" She asked rhetorically.

"I do, I'll tell you when you're worthy, but lets have a dance." She followed him out to the dance floor and they fluttered around each other in perfect harmony. Girls were jealous of them, even the men were. They knew, however, that nothing was going to change.

"Remember our dance when we first met at that ball?" Emme laughed thinking about it. "How I felt so vexed towards you. Nothing has changed much obviously."

"Oh please, I thought you were another pretentious London girl, who was overly posh." William said causing Emmeline to eye him. "Which I was ever so right about."

"Don't say that!"

"Which I was ever so wrong about." He corrected.

"See, that's what being nice is like." Emmeline said back to him.

"Oh, I'm nice now, am I?" William asked her.

"I wouldn't go that far."

Emma noticed how much her mother had been drinking. This had happened before, where Mama had gotten drunk at a ball after a stressful day. She would have felt more worried if it was the first time. Then, she spotted her brother staring at the oprah girl who he had been seeing. This night could not get more strange.

"My family is acting rather odd this evening." She said.

"Ah, your brother and the singer. He's rather smitten I fear."

"What's that to mean?" She questioned.

"You can't spend time with a woman like that if you don't want to fall in love, which was your brothers mistake the first time."

Emmeline thought about what he had said for a while. They spent plenty of time together, so did he live her? He probably said it, nit giving their relationship a second glance, or maybe he said that with intent.

After a while, Colin took the two of them home. Mama while drunk was terribly funny and gave the two a very good laugh.

"You know, I never knew my daughters would become princesses! I mean, very well, as long as I get to be related to the Queen!" She laughed to herself while the siblings looked to each other and burst out into giggles.

"Why the Queen, Mama?" Colin went on.

"Oh, you know. She's old and has an abundance of children, like me."

"You're not old, Mama." Emme nodded.

"Don't lie to me, dearest."

When they got home, Colin and Emmeline were at the bottom of the stairs while they wished their Mama goodnight, hoping she would sober up by dawn.

Anthony and Bennedict's heads were peering through the door looking at Colin. "Brother, come here! Emme, go to bed." Anthony commanded quickly.

"Has someone died?" He asked before walking in the room.

She pretended to walk up the stairs, but as soon as the door closed she crept over and placed her ear to the wall.

"Daphne has had her innocence taken from her by the Duke. I am set to dual with him at six."

"Are you sure there is no better way? You know this is very illegal."

"She is our sister, we cannot let him live after what he did to Daphne."

"What about all the legal workings, if you die I mean?"

"I already told Bennedict everything that he needed to know. I just needed to tell you before, in case the worst happened."

"Yes, thank you, brother."

When the door opened, the mens eyes went straight to the girl, who shot daggers back at them.

"Are you insane?" Emme shouted to them.

"No, sister, this need be done. I assume you have heard the reasons." Anthony said sternly.

"Oh, you men and your pride. Why is communication so hard?" Emme scolded them as they stared at her. "Surely, you cannot do this. Daphne cares for him a great deal. He may have ruined her, but this will truly ruin her on the inside, not what society thinks of her."

"Go to bed, Emmeline." Anthony reprimanded before she stormed off to her room.

Before she finished walked up the stairs, she looked back at them, "They're in love, you know."

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