Twenty Six

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The Bridgerton's dressed in light colors to the luncheon. The trees were blossoming with beautiful white and pink colors along the path.

Two women connected by the arm came up to Daphne and Simon to chat them up. "Duchess, may I say how well you look."

"Oh, you are too kind!" Daphne said accepting the compliment.

"Is it not marvelous to be wed?" The other one said.

"It is both a joy and a wonder indeed." Simon said to them. He said it like he meant it, which was truly deceiving.

"Make way!" Queen Charlotte shouted as she walked through the crowed of people. "Must you all act like sheep flocking to the trough?" She said to the people surrounding the couple. The Bridgerton's bowed to her as she finally made their way up to them.

"I have 100 guineas wagered on there being a Hastings heir within the year. Are you with child yet?" The queen asked Daphne.

"We have certainly been devoting our energies to the endeavor, Your Majesty. We should hope to see our queen soon satisfied." Simon said while Daphne looked at him a little saddened.

"See to it you do." She said before walking over to the second Bridgerton daughter pulling her gloved hand into a kiss. "You look lovely, Miss.Bridgerton."

"Thank you, Your Majesty." Emme smiled up to her. "You don't suppose you know where his highness is?"

"He wasn't sure of your attendance, so he wasn't sure on attending." She said. Everyone made a small bow as she walked away.

Everyone broke out into whispers as the Featherington's walked into the luncheon. Perhaps they shouldn't be invited anymore? It seemed as the plan worked and the Bridgerton's had gained the favor of the general public.

Lady Featherington walked up to the Dowager Vicountess and faked her sadded expression. "Is this not a dreadful circumstance, for us both to have been so duped by that scheming hussy? To think that Miss Thompson would take advantage of my kindness after I opened my home to her. You must believe, I had no idea—." Before Lady Featherington could finsih, she walked away briskly.

Emme who had overheard the exchange offered her two cents. "I now understand everything you had said over dinner. I doubt the fact that you did not know." Before walking away, meeting with William.

She was happy to see him. Ever since the gossip, she was so scared of what could happen to them, but to see him appeased her. Secondly, she was soon to be a royal duchess so everyone now would be trying to get into her good graces.

Eventually, the Featherington's were asked to leave and everyone began to talk about that instead. More and more events kept taking place giving everyone more to talk about than Emmeline's brother.

"Everyone is fawning over my sister." Emme rolled her eyes and her fiancé laughed.

"You'll give the Ton plenty to talk about very soon, I'm never wrong." William said glancing at his bride.

"Don't let all that attention get to my head, I'd br acting just like you." Emmeline said as she took a sip out of her fizzing cup.

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