Twenty Five

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Emme and William had met to talk about their relationship. She was so frightened that he had changed his mind, but he didn't. After she found that out she was a lot more calm about the situation. As soon as her wedding takes place, the people will have more to talk about.

Mama, Anthony, Benedict and Emme all sat around Colin as they discussed the matter of Marina.

"Miss Thompson must be in agonies over these lies. Why can I not visit her?" Colin asked quite harshly.

"Colin." Their Mama started.

Anthony started to speak before she could find the words to speak to her third son. "Listen to me, brother. That the ton devours every bit of Whistledown's on-dit is the only thing keeping this family from shame. Because of her, no one believes you are the father of Miss Thompson's child. But if you were to go near her, they'll presume you responsible for her ruin, and your sisters would have paid the notoriety for your desire. Is this what you desire?"

"Of course not, but—." Colin got cut of by the door and everyone turned surprised.

"Evening, everyone."

"Daphne." Emmeline said walking over and giving her sister an embrace.

The family was happy to see her, she was their sister after all. It was probably a good idea she came, gave people more to talk about.

"What are you doing here? Should you not be frolicking in newlywed bliss?" Anthony asked her as he leaned over a couch.

"I came as swiftly as our carriage would allow when I heard the news." Daphne answered.

"Will you be staying here till my wedding?" Emme questioned her older sister.

"I wouldn't miss it for the world." Spoke Daphne.

"Hastings must surely be cursing the Bridgerton name for this." Benedict said with a smile. "Where is he, anyhow?"

Daphne swallowed before talking. "He went to set up Hastings House."

"We have all things in order, Sister. We do not require your assistance." Anthony said. Emme looked over to him with a look of disapproval.

"That is not true Anthony, and you know it. Daphne may be the answer to all of our problems. Once the ton see that we still have the favor of the duke and duchess, then the whispers may very well cease, and we shall go about our daily lives as if nothing happened, as if nothing is array." Their Mama said.

"And no one will be the wiser. Pretending that nothing is amiss is the perfect way to lure the ignorant into submission. Is it not, Mama?" Daphne continued on. "Now, what grand event will the ton be descending upon this week? Surely there is something?"

Their Mama cleared her throat before speaking. "The..uh..the queen is hosting a luncheon."

"I am certain the duke and I can secure an invitation. If we are lucky, our return to London will give everyone so much to talk about, they simply have no breath left to discuss other matters."

"I'm so very glad this has all been settled on my behalf." Colin stated.

"It had to be. Daphne has to do it to save our family name." Emme said before Colin stormed out.

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