Twenty One

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Emme sat inside the church next to her sisters. She had confided in Eloise about her soon to be marriage, but only her. The doors opened and everyone stood up as they saw Daphne walking in. She looked beautiful, like a true bride. When she made her way to Simon everyone sat down.

"Dearly beloved, we are gathered to join together this man and this women in holy matrimony. It is said that marriage hath in it less beautiful, but more of safety than the single life."

The Duke slipped off her glove to place the wedding ring on it. They looked at each other like they both wanted to cry in the worst way possible.

"In the name of Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost. Amen. I now pronounce you man and wife."

The after party was filled the Bridgerton house. All tittled people chatted and filled the ballroom. A tall white cake sat in the middle of the room. An orchestra played music that was mostly tuned out by voices. It was a successful wedding, and it seemed that the only thing left was to party.

Cressida Cowper came up to to the soon to be princess a with a smile, but eyes like daggers. "I heard you are engaged, how lovely."

"How exactly have you heard of that?" She questioned the girl who's face was smug.

"You do know parks are public?" Emme nodded and Cressida was finally looking appeased. "You're a good sister, trying to make your sisters wedding as nice as possible. We all know her marriage to a Duke would be yesterday's news if you announced your engagement here. Although I have yet decide if I should share your news with some of the people you find ever so important." She left Emme and walked over to Daphne. She just hoped that Cressida didn't tell her. Emma wanted to do it herself.

Whilst talking to others, the Queen came up to Emmeline. She bowed to her then looked up. "Your Majesty."

She smiled at Emme, which surprised her. "You must be excited for your wedding. My soon told me of the pending nuptials."

"Yes, your Majesty, However, I'm sure William did tell you that we have chose that we will wait to announce the news till after the weddi g." She said to the queen.

"He did."

Surprisingly, William was not there. He was invited, but a no show did surprise Emme. She hoped that it was not a big deal because she did wish we was there.

Daphne and her Mama had gone to her room and talked for a while. They were up there for a while because they had not come down by the time the carriages have arrived.

"Perhaps I can come with you. I've always wanted to live in a castle." The youngest brother, Gregory, said as he exited the house with Daphne.

"If Daphne is going to take anyone with her, Gregory, it will be me." Hyacinth stated to her brother. They were young so their sibling rivalry was still brewing. Daphne gave her a kiss on the top if the head.

"The two of you are staying here until out dear sister allows us a visit." Colin said pulling Daphne into a hug.

"You mean if she allows us a visit. I'm sure you'll enjoy the peace and quiet." Benedict hugged her as well.

"She'll miss me very much, although I'm not sure about the rest of you." Emme jested giving Daph a kiss on the check. "I'll miss you, sister. Also, await for my letter as soon as you get there!"

"I'll am going to miss all of you terribly." Daphne said.

Anthony was the last of the siblings to get outside. "Even me?" He asked her in a joking house.

"Even you." Daphne said pulling him into an embrace.

Daphne walked over to Eloise and hugged her as well. In the mean time, Emmeline walked over to Simon to have a little chat.

"I trust you'll care for my sister well?" She asked in a threatening tone.

"I will, you need not worry about Daphne because I do care for her deeply." He said to her, but she already knew that he did.

"That doesn't come as a surprise to me, I have always told my sister you would make a fine husband for her." She said before walked away leaving Simon and Daphne to get inside the carrige.

The group waved at her as she got in. Of course, they were sad, but she had lots of prospects for her as a duchess. Emme knew that she would take her duties seriously.

"I have the up most important news to share. Could you all meet me in the drawing room perhaps?" Emme asked her family.

They all sat down around a smiling Emme and she shared with them the news of her engagement. They were all very happy. Well, Hyacinth and Gregory wanted to know about what she would be doing as a princess. Mama was happy that she was happy, so was the rest of the family.

When she got upstairs she started writing a letter to Daphne as fast as she could.

Dear, Daphne

I wish this joyful news didn't have to be shared by letter, but I had no intentions of ruining your wedding day. The prince has proposed to me and I am to be his wedded. This came as a surprise, but a very joyful one. I assume my wedding preparations are already underway and I couldn't be happier. How I hope you will be coming back to celebrate with me. I miss you more and more by the minute.

With love,

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