Ch 24: Make A Wish

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Clarissa POV

I knew Robin was a skilled fighter, but watching him now was still amazing.

He leaps across the room, dodging and canceling incoming magic attacks while engaging in close combat with the feral Elizabeth. Each strike he exchanges with his girlfriend sends a small shock wave across the room.

Each time Elizabeth strikes Leticia follows up with a magical attack and they seem almost in sync, as expected for best friends I suppose. But even against their impeccable teamwork, Robin is able to counter and attack with the help of his scarf that can act as both his sword and shield while he wields a sword in his own hands.

I watch as his scarf split into several thick threads and pierce incoming magical attacks with the utmost precision as Robin engages with Elizabeth without even glancing at Leticia's magic.

The fight is essentially a two vs two, Robin and his scarf vs Elizabeth and Leticia. While the rest of us are unable to find any kind of opening to try and assist.

Yukio: "Kuso, can we really not do anything here?" She asks frustratedly.

Lisa: "They're moving too fast, I don't want to risk hitting Robin." She says what everyone's thinking.

Rachel: "Even if I charge in, I don't think I could duet with Robin in this dance." She says as she grips her sword tightly.

Melissa: "You can do it Robin! Fighting!" She cheers him on.

With Elizabeth and Leticia so focused on him, I try to figure out a way to help my brother.

My thoughts are interrupted when Robin leaps towards us after sending Elizabeth flying into Leticia. His breathing is only slightly laboured but his mostly blank expression seems anxious.

Robin: "Could you guys deal with one of them on your own for some time?" He asks quickly as the two demon possessed girls recover.

Clarissa: "Yes, we definitely can." I answer for us confidently with the others looking eager to help Robin.

Robin: "Alright good, get your holy magic ready then. We need to save them as soon as possible." He says before dashing back towards the two girls.

He leaves before I can ask him about whatever holy magic is, or tell him that I have no idea how to activate it.

Clarissa: "Uh guys." I begin.

But a large crashing sound and a gust of wind interrupts me. We all turn to where it comes from and we see Robin's scarf in the form of a giant hammer crashing down on Leticia who created a barrier made of air around herself.

The scarf returns to Robin and he starts running away with Elizabeth close behind him. Leticia removes her barrier and floats above the small crater she made beneath her preparing to chase Robin again.

But a combined flame shot from Melissa and Lisa stops her.

Lisa: "Over here four eyes!" She shouts and gains Leticia's attention.

Rachel: "I apologize for this." She says as she [Blinks] towards the floating Leticia and delivers an overhead strike to bring her down.

Another dust cloud rises when they hit the ground and when it clears we see Leticia with magic blades protruding from her arms blocking Rachel's attack. They lock each other in place as they attempt to push each other back using pure strength.

Yukio quickly rushes behind Leticia with her baton but is stopped by a pillar of ice arising from directly beneath her and raising her swiftly towards the ceiling.

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