DLC Bonus 3: A Normal Girl

407 22 16

Grace POV

With purpose in every step I walk through the evening streets of the kingdom with work on my mind. Being personally employed as a civil servant by the new queen, I have no choice but to deal with things far beneath my pay grade.

Such as a rowdy low-life lot who appear to have been loitering at a parking lot near this area.

The noise complaints have been piling up and an assault charge has finally tipped the paper work over the edge. The stress of all of it has been getting to me, I know it because my co-workers have commented on it.

I know they mean well so I've let them get away with it, but it still annoys to no end. Which doesn't quite help when their main comments have been about my bad attitude and my irritable moods. Even though I've already acknowledged my problems nothing, not even my favourite foods have been able to fix it.

It has been a very exhausting week for me, and now I have to deal with bottom feeder trash like this.

Trash 1: "Hey lady-"

I don't even let the first piece of trash finish making their stupid cat call as I reach my hand out to him and make him vanish. His group of friends behind him all have the same idiotic astonished face at the sight of their friend disappearing, but all whip their heads around when a crash sounds out behind them.

There they see what happens when a man is teleported about fifteen feet in the air and dropped onto a car.

Grace: "Please do understand that there are several legal repercussions to ignoring the warnings given to you by the crown itself, and that you are about to feel each and everyone single of them." I say cordially with a plastered on business smile.

About a dozen or so of them stand up and start walking towards me, most likely with no intention of simply leaving. Just like every generic one act villains, they will try to avenge their friend using sheer numbers just to fall to the lone protagonist of the story.

Which happens to be me at the moment, even though I'd rather be anything but that.

Having to experience these sort of stories so many times since working at this job have made the scenarios far too bland, and it's giving me a headache.

I take off my ring and crack my knuckles.

As a woman who had been trained by the two strongest people in the continent, I should make this quick.

Not even a filler episode's worth of scenes later, each and every idiotic piece of trash who can't understand their own worth fall to the hands of the villainess. Standing in the center of unconscious opponents and trashed personalized cars, I blankly glaze over the scenery.

Then I begin to laugh at myself, the villainess, turned into a civil servant, fighting cannon fodder level characters, what a joke!

My laughter stops abruptly as I feel what I had for snack bubble in my stomach. Frequent teleportation has always made me nauseous, but I've always been able to handle it, except now it seems.

Grace: "Perhaps I'm getting sick." I sigh to myself.

I still have to write a report about what transpired here, but I don't think I'll be able to make it to the end of my shift at this rate. I've decided that I'm clocking out for the day, after a quick text to the queen and a made up mind, I teleport to the front of my home.

A government paycheck isn't close to being enough to afford a luxurious mansion that the villainess deserves, but a nice cozy middle class home is nothing to complain about.

I slip my ring back on my finger with a bright smile on my lips, then reach out for the door.

Grace: "I'm home!" I exclaim to the unlit room.

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