My Fists Got A Lot Of Names!

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Naruto Uzumaki - Jaune Arc
Tobi - Cinder Fall
Ruby: Ninjas?

Nora: Like Ren and Blake?

Ren: We aren't ninjas Nora.

Coco: You guys kind of are.

Blake: What makes you think we're ninjas?

Zero: Alright enough talk! Let's get to it!

The scene opens to Jaune wearing a black and orange jacket with a headband tied around his head. He looks very exhausted and is breathing heavily.

Ironwood: Looks like it's Arc again.

Yang: The multiverse must really like him them.

Jaune: My chakra's almost gone....but still!

Ruby: What's chakra?

Penny: Chakra means "wheel" and refers to energy points in your body. They are thought to be spinning disks of energy that should stay "open" and aligned, as they correspond to bundles of nerves, major organs, and areas of our energetic body that affect our emotional and physical well-being.

Oscar: O...Kay I guess.

Jaune makes a hand sign with him hands and a smoke cloud appears. From the cloud, three more Jaune's appear.

Nora: You can make clones?!?

Ruby: So cool!!

Within the cloud itself, Jaune along with another clone is holding a medium sized ball of blue energy in his hand.

Velvet: That must be one of the abilities chakra gives you in this one.

The three Jaune all run towards Cinder who has a giant fan in her hands and is wearing a purple outfit.

Cinder: Looks like I'm here to.

Emerald: Why do you have a fan?

The first Jaune slashes at her with his kunai, but she blocks it. The second Jaune runs around and and kicks at her which she manages to block again. And the third Jaune runs up from behind her, flips in the air and goes to attack. She manages to block his attack once again. As all three Jaune's jump at her, she gets a tight grip on the fan and spins it, destroying the clones in the process.

Cinder: Seems the kids got nothing on me.

Mercury: Your gonna jinx it.

Emerald: No she's not.

The real Jaune then appears in the air above Cinder with his Rasengon in hand. An image then appears and shows Jaune's father doing the exact same thing.

Saphron: Is that...

Jaune: Dad?

Cinder quickly flips the fan to her back and block Jaune's attack.

Roman: Really kid?

Jaune: I'm sure other me has a plan.

Cinder turns her head to look back at Jaune and is shocked to see what's behind her. Instead of attacking, Jaune slamed his foot to get stable ground and used his shadow clone technique to create thousands of clone each with their own Rasengon.

Qrow: He baited her.

Winter: Very good tactic Mr. Arc.

Jaune: Roaaaagghh!! Rasengon!!!

Whitley: So that's what the move is called.

Ruby: It's so cool! I wish I could do that!

Ozpin: Technically you could.

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