
11K 56 17

Prince Vegeta - Qrow Branwen
Piccolo - Yatsuhasi
Krillin - Jaune Arc
Majin Buu(fat) - Neo
Yang: So we're watching the Dragon Ball Verse again?

Zero: Yes, but be warned, this will hit hard for you.

The scene opens up with a beaten up Qrow with a M on his forehead talking to Yatsuhasi.

Velvet: Look, it's Yatsu again!

Yatsuhasi: You'll die you know that.

Ruby: Wait what?

Yang: Is Uncle Qrow gonna be okay?

Zero, however stays silent and doesn't answer her question.

Qrow: There's one thing I'd like to know, tell me, will I meet that clown Taiyang in the other world?

Yatsuhasi: I'm not going to lie to you Qrow although the answer will be difficult for you to hear. Tai devoted his life to protecting the lifted of others. You on the other hand have spent your life in pursuit of your own selfish desires you've caused to much pain.

Qrow: Oh well, so be it. Get out of here and hurry.

Then a Neapolitan color creature walks up to Qrow.

Neo's eyes widen as she see that this is her in this universe.

Neo: Is that me!

Mercury:*laughs*You really need to lay off the ice cream

Neo then hits him over the head with a sign.

Neo: You stay! You fight Neo!

Qrow: Yes that's right!

Neo: Huh?

Qrow: Your fight is with me! Got it! You big bloated balloon freak!

Roman: Hey! Don't call her that! She's in peak physical shape!

Neo: Yes I am!

Neo: Me no like you! Neo angry!

Yatsuhasi: Hurry Jaune! You've got to get out of here right now!

Jaune: Yeah right!

Nora: Huh? I thought your were bald?

Ren: He probably grew out his hair Nora.

Nora: Oh!

Coco: He's still short though.

Neo: Me make you hurt bad!


Neo: Neo kill big man! Me want fight!

Qrow: I think I finally understand you, let's go!

Summer: What does he understand?

Zero: To protect your loved ones.... No matter the cost.

Qrow then lifts up his fist and a golden aura appears with electricity sparking.

Everyone stares to get worried about Qrow. He was battered and beaten, yet he was still fighting. However the more worried was Winter. She may act like she hates Qrow, but really she's just confused about how she really feels.

Tai:(Don't do anything stupid Qrow.)

Jaune: What's Qrow up to Yatsuhasi? He crazy! He won't make it! That monster is gonna eat him alive!

Yatsuhasi: For the first time, Qrow if fighting for someone other than himself. Controlling his own fate.

Qrow:*laughs* You are a fool! I am going to crush you and throw you into the wind!(Winter, Weiss, I do this for you. And yes even for you Taiyang.)

Weiss: Why would he do this for me?

Zero: In this universe, Qrow and Winter got married and had you.

Winter: So I'm Weiss's mother than?

Zero: Indeed. Now I just want to know if you will be ready for what you see next?

Cinder: It can't be that bad.

Roman: Come on just play it already!

Zero: As you wish than.

Qrow then uses the energy he gathered up and released it in an explosion that can be seen from miles.

Everyone's eyes widen as to what they just saw.

Summer:*worried*W..What's, what's Qrow doing?

Qrow: Isn't it obvious Sum? I'm protecting my family.

Winter: Don't you care? Your risking your life and all you have to say is that.

Qrow: I'm doing this for my family Winter.

Winter: What about me and Weiss! Don't you care about us!?

Qrow: Of course I do! Judging by the way I look and the way she looks, it's the only way to put an end to her! I'm doing this to protect you and Weiss. It's my choice Winter.

Jaune: Has he lost his mind or what?! It's too much! He could die!



Jaune: What has he done!?

Yatsuhasi: Qrow.

Jaune: Qrow. QROW!


Yatsuhasi: I can't let him do this!

Jaune: Yatsuhasi wait! It's too late! You know as well as I do he can't survive a blast like that! Let him finish what he started! For the first time, Qrow's risking his own life for the sake of others! No one's making his do this.

Announcer: And so, one of Remnants greatest warriors has vanished in a blinding flash of light. Having made the ultimate sacrifice for the sack of his loved ones. His name was Qrow Branwen, a proud Saiyan prince.

Zero turned to ask everyone opinion, but he saw that they were in despair. Ruby and Yang were crying in Qrow's arms as he comforted them, Raven was looking down with some tears running down her face, Tai was holding Summer calming her down, Ozpin, Glynda, and Ironwood lowered their heads in respect, Roman lowered his hat, team SSUN along with team JNPR and CFVY were looking down, Winter was trying to stop herself from crying, but couldn't.

Zero:( This is just one but many painful experience of the multiverse.)


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 31, 2022 ⏰

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