Game Night - Uno

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Taiyang Xiao Long
Qrow Branwen
Raven Branwen
Summer Rose
Zero: How do you guys feel about Uno?

Ruby: It's super fun!

Weiss: I guess it's alright.

Qrow: I HATE UNO!!!!

Tai: Do you have to yell?

Qrow: Uno is only a game that tears the relationship between people.

Ghira: I mean, he's not wrong.

Zero: Alrightly then.

The scene opens up with team STRQ arguing with each other.

Summer: Look guys it's us!

Raven: We can see that Summer.

Tai: It looks like when we were back at beacon.

Qrow: Those were the good old days.

Tai: Eh! Eh! Eh! Eh! Eh! Eh! Eh! Can ever body calm down so we can play this game alright? Can you please go.

Raven: Don't tell me what to do.*puts a card down*

Oscar: Why is she so mean?

Raven: I'm not mean.

Nora: You're pretty mean.

Raven: I will cut you.

Velvet: That proves it.

Tai look at his deck for a second before pulling out a draw two.

Tai: Draw 2.

Tai: Sorry Qrow.

Qrow: This is war Tai.

Qrow: For real? Like the two times I gave you a ride and you still didn't pay me back?

Tai: Damn bro I said I was gonna pay you when I get my check.

Qrow: You've been getting your check for three weeks. It's cool though.

Qrow: Yeah, where's my money Tai?

Tai: I don't owe you anything.

Summer: Boys, control yourselves.

Summer then looks through her cards and pull out a yellow six and places it down. Raven sighs in relief than looks at Tai before pulling out a skip card.

Tai: What! Why!?

Raven: Skip.

Tai: Oh skip me? Like the time you skipped out on the bill and didn't pay when we went out?

Sun: You didn't pay! Man you really are the worst!

Vernal: You take that back! She is not the worst!

Nora: Your right! She the most worst!

Neptune: Your a terrible girlfriend.

Raven: I'm not his girlfriend, I'm his ex wife!

Roman: You were married to her? I am so sorry for you.

Tai: She wasn't that bad. Maybe a little extreme at times, but she was okay.

Cinder: I could clear be much better then her.

Raven: What did you say?

Cinder: Im just saying that I wouldn't abandon my family.

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