{29} Addled

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unable to think clearly; bewildered.

My head is killing me. I open my eyes and see i'm in Aubrei's room.

What the fuck was that dream?

"Good morning, sleepy." I look over at the voice and see Aubrei on her phone.

"Hey." I groan and sit up.

"What's wrong baby?" She asks and sits up with me.

"I have a headache." It feels like someone pummeling their fist onto of my head.

"Aw i'm sorry." She rubs the side of my arm.

I give her a small smile. "There's nothing to be sorry about, you didn't give me a headache." I get up and go in her bathroom.

"Right. I know. I'm saying sorry because you're in pain." She says from the bedroom, while I begin my morning duties.

"It's fine babe, i've been through worse. But look, I had the craziest dream last night." I say walking out of the bathroom. She nods a bit hesitantly, before asking me what it was about. "We had a kid, no we had two kids. Their names were Logan and Renzo. And you were pregnant with our third and fourth child." I say with the goofiest grin on my face. Her face is molded into shock. I grab both of her hands. "Are we?"

"God, no!" Well damn. "Not that I wouldn't want a family with you, I just don't think we're ready." She rushes out. I agree with her, we aren't ready. Though I wouldn't mind a little us around here though. But I have to much to do with my businesses. She does too, helping me run my restaurants which I can not stop thanking her for.



We got into a argument, or was it me and Aubrei?

"Did we argue about something last night?" She looks down at her clothed feet and nods. "Was it bad? I can't seem to remember."

"A little, we had a few words with each other. You had a couple of drinks at your restaurant, that's probably why." She says and I see a bit of sadness in her eyes.

"I'm sorry, for whatever we were arguing about. I'm sure whatever it was, you were right about it." I give her a small smile.

"It's fine, it's in the past. We should hurry up we have a Christmas party to finish planning. I have to be at Devine in a couple of hours." I look at the time and see it 11 in the morning.

"You know that I admire you? And everything you're doing for me. I couldn't get none of this done without you, mio amore. So thank you again." My love gives me a warm smile and i'm greeted with her metal retainer again. I lean closer and press my lips against her.

"You're welcome, i'll always be there when you need me." She rubs her thumb across my cheek.


At Luca's house he called for a meeting to explain the Christmas party.

Only a handful of people he doesn't know will be there, it will mostly be his family and close friends. He still wants extra security there, just in case.

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