{34} Collar

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"Babe?" I question after hearing the bedroom door open. I'm currently soaking in a bath. After the funeral some of us went to go look for Dash. Luca was supposed to come with but he had to meet with Riley a.k.a me.

"Hey, amore." He says leaning against the sink.

"Hi, how are you feeling?" I motion for him to come towards me. "Join me." He undresses and gets in behind me pulling me close to him.

"Like shit, honestly."

"I'm sorry, Tae. That was dumb of me to ask."


"It's fine baby." He says while dragging the loofah across my back. "There's something I have to show you."

I lean back against his chest and he kisses the top of my head. "What is it?" I feel his heartbeat thump faster against my back. "Hey, what's wrong?" I turn to face him.

"Let's just finish and get dressed. I'll show you then."


I sit in the middle of the bed, patiently waiting for him to show me. He grabs something from the dresser and walks closer to me. It's something black.

Is that? No, it can't be he said the name on it was Milo.

"I'm sorry, mio amore." He says while handing over the collar.


The white letters, covered in blood say.

But something's missing, his pet tag.

"His pet tag is missing. It supposed to clip on right here." I point to the gold hook before I start to panic. "What if they took him to my apartment when I left? I have to call my mom." I get up from the bed and throw on a pair of sweats and some slides. I grab my phone and call Dina. She answers on the third ring.


"Where are my keys?" I ask Luca but Dina responds.

"I have them, wassup?"

"You didn't drive." Luca says.

"Can you-"

"Of course." He says walking in his closet.

"Uh? Hello?"

"Mom, have you been to my apartment recently?"

"I go there everyday, what's wrong, Aubrei?"

"Luca found Dash's collar, but the pet tag was missing. So I was hoping someone stopped by."

"Not that I know of. Unless it was at night. But I can go check now."

"Here, put this on." He hands me one of his hoodies. "Ready?"

"Yeah." I say sliding the hoodie over my head.

"Okay i'm checking now, no one's here but you do have a package. I'll bring it in my house."

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