{47} Doyenne

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a woman who is the most respected or prominent person in a particular field.

2 days later.

"I obtained the camera footage, Sire." Hudson, one of the guys from Aubrei's security detail says.

Nick, Hudson, and Johnathan have all proven to me that the will protect Aubrei till their last breath. Roman and I specifically picked these three based on their expertise.

"Did anyone see you?" I ask receiving the memory card from him. He shakes his head. "What about what's on here? You saw?"

"Yes." He nods.

"And what do you think?" I ask trying to see if he knows anything.

"I think we should keep this between us."


I nod. "Okay. Thank you."

He nods and leaves me in the I.T. room.

Aubrei told me she took a lot of fighting classes when she was younger. But this is different, the moves she uses are familiar. I've seen them multiple times before.

They're similar to how the Dal Bons fight. While their fighting style is more with force. Aubrei's is smooth, like she's use to be in these situations. She takes these men down like it's a regular thing for her.

Raven points a gun in Aubrei's direction, even on camera I can see the shakiness of her hand. The first bullet hits Aubrei, the second one is inserted into the man's skull.

Aubrei had no reaction to the bullet hitting her. She only looks back to see where the bullet came from. Running over to Raven she ambushes a guard.


The blades that she carries. Where did she get them? They're made of steel only assassins use. On the handle of the knives are engraved initials.


Could these be Riley's initials?

Could she be Riley?

Could the woman I call my amore be the most feared woman in this country?

No, what am I thinking? Aubrei couldn't be a lethal woman. She's not like that. She's not a killer. She just good with a knife and fighting, that it's.

Nothing more.

I remove the memory card and it's back up one, destroying both of them with the butt of my gun.


"You need rest, please just stay here." She shakes her head and continues to get dressed. It's only been three days since she's been shot.

"We have a flight to catch." Aubrei murmurs. "I'll rest then."

"I told you, you don't need to come."

"Luca, baby." She stands in front of me. "You need just as much rest as I do, if not more. You haven't been to sleep these past few nights. I'm going because you're going to need me there."

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