{41} Peacemaker

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❗️Trigger warning❗️

"There is something I want to show you." I stand in front of the door Miguel is currently in.

Well what's left of him.

"What is it?"

"You know I would never force you to do anything right?" She nods and I open the door.

Revealing an almost disfigured Miguel to her, she sucks in a deep breath and looks at me. She takes a step in and I take one with her shutting the door.

"You-" She swallows. "You did this?" She asks, her eyes still on Miguel.

I look to the chained up body and see he's missing an eye, his right hand, his left forearm, a few teeth, and both his kneecaps busted.

It's not as much as I would have like to did. But my father wants him alive, so whatever.

She walks closer to him. "How is he still alive?" She finally looks at me. I expect to see terror filled eyes but instead i'm met with curiosity and what looks like a bit of amusement. She circles around him looking at the wounds with interest.

"We cauterized everything I made." I keep my eyes on the curious woman.


"Ameer and I." I say and she nods slowly.

"What will you do with him now?"

"That's why I brought you here." She comes and stands in front of me. "What do you want me to do with him, amore?" Her eyebrows furrow together as she looks up at me.

"Huh? What do you mean? Why are you asking me?"

"Sooner or later you're gonna be making the calls around here too."

"But why?"

"Because, you're my woman and they need to respect you just as much as they respect me. If not more."

She shakes her head. "No, what if I mess up? People could get hurt or even worse. Why are you trusting me with this decision?"

"Aubrei." I grab both sides of her face. "It's life baby, everyone makes mistakes. And I want you by my side until the end."

"But these are peoples lives, I can't. I'll mess everything up."

"You can. I believe you can." I kiss her forehead. "We're having a meeting tomorrow and I want you there with me."

"Are you sure?" She asks hesitantly.

I nod, "Positive."


"In about a month we are to be present at an auction held by Everett Marshal. Just like the gala dinner, everyone is invited and something is bound to happen. I have a feeling this will be far more bloodier." I glance my eyes to the right at Aubrei. "Main reason why, is because Izan knows we have his brother strapped in the basement." I finish.

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