Chapter 74

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👑 Mia 👑

Book finale part 1

I am still in shock. I'm pregnant, me pregnant, but how? It's not possible it must be a false positive. There's no way. I walk to the bed and rest there leaning on the headboard. I'm speechless still how?

Leon walks in and is searching for something. I hear him say something but I'm not in the right state to understand words. He walks into the bathroom for the thing he's looking for. How can I be pregnant? Maybe Nessa's tests were expired. PREGNANCY TEST! I left it on the bathroom counter. Oh no, Leon.

I'm sure he saw the pregnancy test in the bathroom why didn't I hide it, I'm so stupid. As I hide in the pillows of our bed I hear footsteps coming my way. I look from the fortes of pillows that I'm in. I see him walking with the test in his hands.

"Amante do you need to tell me something? What is this?" He says picking the pillows from my head and showings me the Pregnant sign.

"" I say taking a pillow next to me and putting it again on my face to hide.

"Mia are you really pregnant or is this a prank because it's not funny."

I still can't believe it for myself but I still processing it myself. I open my mouth but nothing comes out of it. I just nod my head up and down without taking the pillow off my face.

"That's positive for we're pregnant or for this is a prank? Mia speak to me." He says with an annoyed voice and I know that he's getting angry.

I don't say anything again. Something might be wrong with me why am I not speaking. Why can't I say to the love of my life that Yes we're going to have a little Leon or a little Mia in 9 months. But again I don't speak. I understand that I'm shocked but the shock went straight to my brain. I stay in my pillow fort. I know that he's looking at me for an answer. I hear him putting the pregnancy test on his nightstand and walking towards me when he stops. He pulled the pillow from me throwing it on the ground next to us. Leon takes both of my arms and pins me against the headboard. Now I'm between his knees.

"Mia I'm getting angry right now tell me are you pregnant or are you pranking me and look into my eyes."

" I'm pregnant." He looks at me speechless. He gets off me and starts to walk back and forth. Is he going to leave us now? I'm a little worried, I wanted to know what he's thinking about this whole baby thing? Does he want a child or not? Or did he not want one with me? His silence is getting on my nerves. Now I feel the same way he felt a few minutes ago.

"Who's the father?" That's the first thing he says after I say that I'm pregnant?

"Mia I said who's the father?" He says standing at the end of the bed watching me. I'm speechless. Does he really think that I would cheat on him?

"MIA ANSWER ME" he says again with that tone that once I was afraid but not anymore.

"What do you mean by who's the father? Is that even a question?"

"Mia answer me. Who's the father of that thing inside of you? Because if I was him you would have said something."

"Leon I thought you were smarter than this" I say and I get up from bed with almost teary eyes. I start walking towards him. When I'm inches away from him I stopped and I looked into his beautiful eyes and I speak again. "Of course, you're the father you're the only one that I've slept with. And don't call it a thing it's a baby and it's our baby." I take his hand and I put it against my belly. At first, he doesn't pull away but the moment I look up to see him he pulled his hand away and moved backwards. I stand still surprised by his move. Why?

"Leon?" I say and he just looks into my eyes. He's trying to find something in them.

"Mia for the last time who is the father of that thing and for how long have you gone behind my back?" He says in a lower tone than before but his gaze never left mine.

"ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME? YOU ARE THE FATHER LEON. I LOVE YOU why would I cheat on you when I have everything right here?" I say screaming now and tears falling down my cheeks.


"Mon amour I swear I didn't cheat. Why don't you believe me? This baby is yours, this baby is ours." I say crying and walking towards him but as I walk forward he moves backwards. I stop, this makes sense. Leon doesn't want a child. He's just saying this because he doesn't what to be a part of the whole baby thing.

"You don't want this right? You never wanted a baby? You filled my mind with all baby stuff before but now that I'm pregnant you show your true self. You're just saying that even though you know that's not true. If you wanted it you would have accepted it. But for the last time, this is your child" I say wiping my tears. I need to be strong for my child.

"Don't give me that shit you know that I've always wanted a kid with you. I gave you everything and I still would and you know that. However, that didn't change your mind and you still cheated on me."

"What are you even saying? Are you even hearing yourself? How are you sure that this baby is not yours?" I say with tears in my eyes but I won't let them fall.

"Just answer me this. Mia when was the last time we slept together?" He says.

I know now why he's saying that. Since we the last time we had sex was when we were in the Maldives. That's why I'm still shocked. Still, he should know that I would never do that to him.

"Almost two months" I answered looking into those beautiful eyes.

"Exactly, now do you really expect me to believe that the thing is mine?" He says in a firm way.

"Leon I understand why you believe this. But I don't cheat. I've told you that. If you don't want to believe me,... our year is almost up and we can get a divorce."

"Of course, I want a divorce. I don't want a cheater by my side and a child from a bastard. I don't like leftovers. But since you're so sure that's my kid we're taking a paternity test."

"If that's what you want" I say and walk out of the bedroom and I head out to my car.

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Until next time xoxo,

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