Chapter 36

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👑 Mia 👑

I look around for Leon but in this house I don't know if I'm ever gonna to find him. I walk into the kitchen and see a middle aged woman cooking something.

"Um, excuse me. Do you know where Leon went?" I ask and she looks at me with kind eyes.

"Oh, you must be his fiancé! I'm Susie. He told me that you were pretty but I thought you would be full of botox or whatever these young people do now." She said and came to hug me. I welcomed her and hugged her back. I don't know why but she gives me a good vibe.

"Leon is probably in your room. I can show you the way." She says.

"Actually we agreed to sleep in separate rooms till the wedding. But if there's no room I don't mind."

"No problem sweetie. Then today I cleaned the room next to your fiancé's. When he bought this place I didn't understand why he did it. Cause he loves the city life. But everything is clear now." She says

"I'm sorry but when did he buy this place?" I ask her

"Oh he didn't tell you? Well I think it will be a week on Friday. Now let's see your new room." She says and walks to the end of the hall where the stairs are.

We're walking in a long hallway in which every door looks the same. She turns to the corner and there are two doors in front of each other. She turns to me and smiles.

"The room on the right is yours and the other is Leon's. I need to get back to the stove but if you need anything there's a button on your nightstand to contact me." With that she leavs to the kitchen with that smile of hers still on her face.

I open the double doors and see the most beautiful room I've ever seen. I've said that too often but if you were here, you would think the same. I walk to the bed and lay down on the most comfortable bed ever. It's even better than the bed at Vanessa's. But don't tell that to her though.

After one or two minutes of admiring the bed I got up and looked around the room. Opening another door I see my own bathroom, which has two other doors in it. One I guess is the toilet but the other one I have yet to see. The bathroom was full of marble, my favourite. The biggest shower I've seen and a tub next to the window where I can see the backyard.

I get back to one of doors in the beginning and open it. A giant closet but still not as big as Nessa's. But the thing is that it's full of clothes. I have to ask Leon later about this. I get back to the bedroom but I don't know what to do so why not explore the house.

I walk down the hallway and down the stairs to the living room. Then walking towards the other way of the kitchen, I entered the dining room. I turned back and explored the rest of the house.

After finishing my little trip, I look up at the clock. It's 9:30. I walk towards my room but my stomach had other plans so I turn and walk to the kitchen. I haven't seen Leon since we came home but I really don't care.

"What do you mean by it's not mine. Did you do your job correctly?" I hear from somewhere. I think it's Leon speaking.

"I was her only one, how's the kid not mine!" He yells from a room but he forgot to close the door properly. I know that listening to this conversation is bad but maybe I can use this for blackmail so I can get out of this stupid marriage.

"Fuck you, Jason and your stupid work." I hear the phone close through the wall and I walk quickly and quietly as a feather into the kitchen. Why is he all of the sudden so angry? Or better said why is he always angry. Does he have a problem or something. But what did he mean by "kid" it's not his? Does he have a kid? Well appearantly it's not his but does he think that he has one? Well then why is he marrying me when he can just marry his baby mama. This is so messed up.

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