Chapter 31 - A Skein of Shining Silver

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"No!" screamed Merryn, her face pale, eyes wide as the goop engulfed both of them. As the sludge spread up his torso, Stan let out a bellowing roar and the front ranks of the horde stuttered into motion, crowding forward to meet the two forms facing them.

As the first of the zombies stepped into the sludge, it spread, freezing anything it touched. A silver grey stain spread like lightning through the ranks of the undead, quicksilver lacing through the horde, moving back through the still marching deadheads, shifting like mercury through them until everything went still.

"Take us down!" screamed Merryn.

"I can't, not yet," shouted Rob. "We have to be patient, Merryn."

"Then take us closer damn it, I need to see Hope, I need..." tears were running down her face as Rob brought the 'copter down to near ground level behind the still forms of Hope and Stan. Both stood, with arms outstretched, still touching the grasping hands of the few walkers who had reached them first. Both were covered head to foot in a shining translucent cocoon of silver grey.

Both were still.

For several long minutes, Rob kept them at a safe distance, then he dropped the 'coptor to the ground and stilled the engine.

As soon as she was able, Merryn was out of the cockpit and sprinting towards Hope. She ignored the shouts of the others as they struggled to get out of their seats, ignored Rob's voice over the speaker ordering her to return. 

And then she was at Hope's side.

Hope's face was coated in a skein of translucent shining silver, and was serene, a faint smile hovering on her lips in stark contrast to the slack grey face of the walker who had touched her outstretched hand.

Merryn slumped to the ground, her legs weak, and cried, sobs shaking her body as she sat. It wasn't until a few minutes later that she became aware of the others. Eddie had knelt down next to her and had pulled her into a hug, and Tom and Andrew stood close by looking helpless, facing the wall of unmoving undead that stretched away from them on either side.

Nothing moved.

"I knew you wouldn't take this idea well," croaked a voice.

"What the actual..." began Andrew, his jaw dropping. There was a faint ripping noise and Hope's hand moved upwards to pull the gossamer-thin cobweb of dried sludge from her hair. "This stuff's disgusting."

"Wait!" she commanded as Merryn leapt to her feet. "It may not be safe."

They watched as Hope divested herself of the remaining grey material, then proceeded to help Stan from his coverings.

It was only then the two of them moved away from the still frozen walkers and Hope allowed herself to be enveloped in a teary hug.

"Would you folks mind if we moved a little bit away from the deadheads?" asked Rob after a few moments. "All these zombies standing there looking at us are making me a little nervous, and I'd like to make sure the helicopter is out of range, just in case we need it."

Merryn turned to face the pilot, and nodded, drawing herself back together as he watched. "Drop the 'copter at the other end of the site Rob, somewhere where you have a clear view of things. We'll come across to you. I need to have a walk to clear my head."

Rob nodded, and soon Rescue 1 lifted back into the sky, its speakers as silent as the horde it left behind.

"I need a shower," said Hope. She looked around at her friends; Merryn, Eddie, Andrew, and Tom. Stan stood to one side, silent and unmoving once more.

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