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Copyright © MonMoncheese
All Rights Reserved
81 Published 01.10.2022



Rolling to the side, I bury my face into the pillows hoping to fall asleep again.

I was tired.

And the pounding in my head did not make it any better.

But I could not fall back asleep despite the heaviness of my eyelids.

And if I didn't go to sleep now, I know I would regret it tomorrow morning.

It had taken a good 20 minutes to convince my parents to let me go to school tomorrow, they were hesitant on it, but to prove that I felt better, I ate all my meals despite the guilt inside me and I kept a small smile throughout the whole day.

Thankfully that had helped me prove a point until they finally gave in.

Rolling on my back, I stare at the ceiling above me, my face void of any expression.

Today had been a long day, longer than I expected.

I just wanted it to be over so that I could go back to school.

And back to who I was before him.

Everything would go back to normal, I just needed time.

I feel a shiver slide down my spine as I think back to my life before him.

It wasn't much different, but somehow, he, that boy managed to bring some happiness back into my life.

Feeling a slight pain growing inside my chest, I bring a palm over my heart.

I will be alright.

I still have Nathan.

He is all I need.

But despite saying those words to myself, they didn't feel right. It's almost as if I were lying to myself... but that couldn't be right.

He was one of the first friends I have had in a while, but he would forget me with time. His constant messages will become less frequent if I continue to not respond. It's only a matter of time before he grows tired of trying, and then before either one of us notices, everything will go back to the way we were before.

So why was I reading them?

If I wanted him to forget me, why was I reading his messages?

That was only making things worse for both of us.

But I could not stop.

I couldn't let go so easily.

Something always drew me back.

As if the idea of losing him would affect me more than I thought.

Sighing loudly, I turn to my side and bring my knees up close to my chest.

"What is happening?" I mumble into the silence of my room. "What is he doing to me?"

Why do I feel like I'm losing everything?

My words slowly disappear into the silence, and I'm left with the never-ending voice in my head.

It was always there, but sometimes their presence was louder than my voice.

You know it's for the better.

James would never actually befriend someone like you, Rose. And you know it.

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