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Copyright © MonMoncheese
All Rights Reserved
59 Published 05.01.2020




As I work in my assignment, I can't help but think about today.

My heartbeat had remained erratic the whole time, refusing to stop.

It seems my heart was just as excited as I am.

We hadn't talked today.

I was too nervous to do so.

And school seemed to be eternal as I waited for the clock handle to hit the end of the school day. 

It was the last class of the day, but my leg bounced as I thought about him.

Was he nervous as well?

Or was it just me?


"You guys can wait here, Dr. Lawrence will arrive soon." The nurse smiles at my parents and I wait on top of the examination bed. 

Not a minute after the nurse leaves, the door opens, revealing Dr. Lawrence. 

"Hey, kid." He sends a smile my way as he steps into the room.

"Hi," I say sheepishly.

"You ready?" He asks as he puts a pair of gloves on.


"What's this?" He holds my hand. 

Yesterday after I regain control of what I was doing, I proceeded to bandage my hand with some gauze I found in my bathroom cabinet. 

My parents asked me about it in the morning, but I simply told them that I got hurt while picking up the broken pieces.

"Oh, my brush broke yesterday and a piece managed to cut my palm."

"Let me see." He unwraps the gauze from around my hand and it reveals a cut four inches long.

"It's not deep, thankfully. It might leave a slight scar, but it will fade with time." He begins to apply something on the wound. " Be more careful, Roseanne."

"I will," I mumble as I watch his movements.

Once he finishes, he wraps a new gauze around my palm.

"Okay," He claps once. "Let's get started."

"You haven't had any pain, have you?"

"At first I did, but it went away."

"That's normal."

"Alright, I'm just going to use the cast saw now." He turns on the small electric saw and I watch as he begins to cut the cast off in a diagonal direction.

The moment he's done, he turns the device off and grabs a pair of special scissors that were laying on a silver tray

"I'm going to cut off the cast padding." Dr. Lawrence says as he begins to cut the padding little by little. 

I catch my mother's eyes in the process and she sends me a wink to which I smile. 

"There! All done." I look away from my mom and glance down to my arm.

I stretch it slightly to get rid of the stiffness and Dr. Lawrence smiles at me.

"Is it stiff?" He asks and I nod.

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