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Copyright © MonMoncheese
All Rights Reserved
63 Published 05.17.2020



As Rose gets inside the car, she turns to me. 

Her big eyes stare at me and I have to restrain myself from doing anything too soon.

But it wouldn't be easy at all. 

"Princess," I utter my name for her. 

At the mention of her name, Rose smiles at me and I feel my heart begin to speed up. "Yeah?"

Knowing that she was smiling for me made me eccentric.

"Your seatbelt." I lean in towards her, one hand plastered on the door while the other is gripping the seat, just inches away from her leg. Leaning close to her face, I don't stop until our faces are only centimeters apart and she tries to make herself small. "Put it on," I whisper close to her cheek and she squeaks. 

I raise my eyes and focus on her brown orbs, but for a mere second, my eyes drop to her lips.

They were a glossy pink colour and I couldn't help but admire the way they look.

They were enticing.

But I had to restrain myself.

It was too soon.

For her, not for me.

If it were up to me, I would smash my lips to hers not caring about the rest of the world.

But I couldn't do anything, not without telling her the truth. 

She deserves to know, but I'm afraid.

Afraid of her reaction.

Shaking my head, I pull away and Rose exhales through her mouth.

"Your seatbelt." I remind her again and she shakes her head in slow motion.

With a satisfied nod, I close the door and jog to my side.

Getting in, I quickly slam the door shut and bring the seatbelt across my chest.

Turning the car on, I step on the break before glancing at the rearview mirror. 

Looking to my left, I proceed to step on the gas pedal and drive forward.

Just as I pass her house, I see Rose looking at me from the corner of my eye.

"What are you going to do?" She finally asks.

"Me?" I take a quick glance at her before turning to the front, my lips forming into a smirk. "I'm stealing you away for the day."

Instead of glancing at Rosie's reaction, I decide to give her a break and focus on the road before me. 

Stopping in front of the gates, I wait for them to open.

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