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Copyright © MonMoncheese
All Rights Reserved
35 Published 04.03.2020



Shutting the door behind me, I walk upstairs to my room.

At least my brother wasn't home because of his training. 

It was better that way because talking to him would only make things worse.

With a tired sigh, I walk through the corridor of the house. 

I felt terrible.

Not physically.

But I felt terrible about myself.

Nathan had warned me about eating today.

He made sure I had breakfast today, and then lunch.

I had yet to eat dinner.

But my brother warned me that if I didn't join dinner today, he would tell my parents.

He hasn't said anything to them because he's giving me time to get better.

But I can't.

I can't just ignore the voices of those who taunt me at school.

They detest me. 

Today, they saw me eat lunch and they made jokes about me for the rest of the day, one of the girls even dragged me to the restroom by my hair to show me how I looked like.

She held me there, as she pointed out every flaw she saw in her eyes. 

I tried to fight against her hold at first, but she had ordered a girl to pin my wrists behind my back as she simply spoke.

Somehow, I always think that one day I will get used to them.

But it never happens.

Their words are a reminder of who I am.

And they made sure of that.

Once in front of the door, I turn the doorknob and push the door open. Once inside, I close the door. 

No one was home, my parents were still working. 

It was just me and my thoughts in the confinement of my room. 

But even in solitude, I could never be in peace. 

Shrugging off the blazer, I walk inside the bathroom and close to the door.

Standing in front of the mirror, I remove every piece of my uniform attire until I'm almost bare.

Until I'm almost naked.

Until the mirror can show me the reflection of who I am.

But perhaps I didn't need a mirror to know that.

Because I was nothing.

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