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"SORRY I'M LATE,"  Athena sighed as she entered the Black household. Her car had refused to start that morning for some godforsaken reason so she had to run to their house instead and she had of course ran into one of the Wolves. Literally ran into one of them, who she didn't know the name of in their wolf form. She had apologised multiple times before running off again, hoping she hadn't damaged a very weak and dangerous relationship she held with the wolves. They hated Vampires but had no logical reason to hate her. Billy's rule always went since he used to be Alpha.

"I'm not important enough for you?" Billy chuckled from somewhere in the house as she tugged off a rain-soaked coat, hanging it on the coat rack by the door.

"It's been ten minutes," Athena grumbled as she gave him a hug, noticing Jake on the sofa. He had an awful frown pulled on his face, an aura of deep bewilderment surrounded him as he glared at what looked to be math homework due to the equations inked onto his papers.

"Of valuable time," Billy added with an amused smile, enjoying her annoyance a little too much.

"Yeah yeah," she laughed fakely, slumping over in one of the nearest chairs in the kitchen in feigned and over exaggerated exhaustion - partly for Jake's benefit. He had gotten suspicious over the fact that she one, never looked tired or hardly ever ate while at his house. So, she planned to slowly introduce some more human-like actions that would confuse him until Billy decided he was ready to know.

At midday, after fakely eating a salad, a knock on the door echoed through the house. Athena nodded towards Billy, so he knew the person was here to see him so it would make better sense for him to answer it. The conversation was taken outside, away from Jake's ears mostly but partly from hers. Sam (the leader of the pack) had appeared at the door, she could tell by his scent and by the sounds of it, he was not happy in the slightest. "How's being grounded going for you?" she asked, flopping down on the sofa next to Jake with a soft sigh.

"It sucks," he grumbled, glaring at the homework in his lap with such fury that Athena half thought it would burst into flames.

"That's the punishment for breaking curfew," she chuckled, flicking the television on as she spoke. If Billy asked she would argue that she just wanted to watch something while she waited for him to finish talking, not so Jake could have some electrical connection at all. "To teach you a lesson," she continued, taking on a voice that sounded vaguely like Billy's and had him laughing. She began flicking through the channels, waiting for him to get interested in one of them so she could coincidentally be interested in too.

"Yeah, the lesson to not sleep in front of your friends. I woke up with drawings all over my face, no one even had eyeliner," Jake replied as he let the books slide from his lap, all his focus turning to the rare sight of the tv that could numb his overworked brain for a few minutes.

"Oh really?" Athena pulled a confused expression that mirrored his. "I wonder how that happened," she smirked, watching as the perplexion furrowing his eyebrow only grew.

Billy finished up his conversation and came back inside, not noticing how Jake had his eyes fixed on the television instead of his homework. Athena nudged him gently and gestured to his books, hoping to keep the rouse up for as long as humanly possible. Eventually, after a good half an hour of chatter, Billy noticed and sent Jake to his room. Athena earned a glare from him but dubbed it worth it in the end.

"How are the Cullens?" Billy asked in a whisper, not knowing whether his son was listening in or not. Athena knew that he had sneakily hidden headphones (that she definitely hadn't given him) shoved into his ears and wouldn't hear a word. Not that she would tell Billy that.

Writer in the Dark - J. HALEWhere stories live. Discover now