15- ʀᴇᴠᴇɴɢᴇ ᴍᴏᴛᴏʀʙɪᴋᴇ

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A FEW DAYS of unimportant routine followed, all having one thing in common. The millions of calls she would receive from Billy daily. Her phone would start buzzing periodically at nine o'clock sharp and would buzz at even intervals, every hour until just gone eleven at night. She wondered how much his phone bill would come to at the end of the month, not that she really cared anyway. He deserved to have to pay an extortionate phone bill for what he said. A few more days would have to pass before she was ready to even think about picking up the phone. It wasn't easy to get on Athena's bad side but it was damn difficult to get out of it. She spent her days at school or at the Cullen house, avoiding the reservation and all calls at all times.

It happened to be a rarely occurring day when she plodded down from her bedroom just as it turned midday, a day where she did not have anything at all planned. So, she did what she always did when alone. She lit the fire in her fireplace, wanting to have the flames to look at, pulled out her book and put some background television on to dull the many sounds from outside that often broke her reading focus. That was a downfall of vampire life, the constant noisy distractions that had no stop button.

An hour of uninterrupted bliss fell with the approaching of a car, one that she recognised the distinct sound of. The Black vehicle. Athena waited to see if she could hear two sets of heartbeats or only the one, she hoped it would be the one. Luckily, one pair of feet emerged from the still car and made their way up the path to her house - nearly tripping on one of the top steps. Just as he knocked on the door, Athena checked out the window for levels of sunlight. She was unsurprised to find that it was a dark, gloomy day and the clouds hung heavy with rain that so desperately wanted to fall to the earth. She slowly walked to the door, pausing the television as she unlocked it. " Hey Jake, how can I help you?" she smiled, blocking his thoughts from her mind.

He smiled back, nodding as a way to say hello. "I was just wondering what happened with you and Dad, he seems really affected by it," he replied, rubbing the back of his neck nervously. It didn't take an empath to see that he was concerned for his Father and Athena, two people that had the weirdest relationship yet it just worked.

Athena sighed, leaning on the edge of her door frame. "Nothing happened really, he just said something that he shouldn't have."

"What did he say?" he asked out of mainly concern but the secrets of the argument were awfully intriguing. He wondered why his father had ended his grounding early after watching the football at Charlie's.

"I cannot tell you that, I'm sorry. It was awful though," Athena replied, hating the crestfallen expression that swallowed some of his feelings. Jake hated being kept in the dark.

"He seems really sorry," he responded softly, not wanting to aggravate her any further and risk jeopardizing the friendship that they shared.

"As he should be," she scoffed, pulling her hair out of the low half-bun she had pulled it into for reading so she had something to focus her irritation into, instead of snapping at Jake. "Did he send you over here?"

"No, not at all," he blurted so quickly that she knew it was the truth. "I just wanted to check that you were okay."

"I'm okay Jake," she laughed softly, reassuring nearly every piece of concern that had fueled his trip off the reservation. Just then, her attention got pulled away from the person on her doorstep to the vampire that strolled up the pathway that headed to her house. As he got closer, she began to wonder why he hadn't driven like usual but paid it no mind once he smiled at her from a few meters away. Jake turned, noticing the sudden change in her expression and grew perplexed as he watched Jasper walk towards the two of them. Jake looked back to Athena, giving her a look that asked the question that swam in his head. "Jasper Hale, a friend from school," she spoke softly, acting as if he would not hear it. Jake nodded and smiled at Jasper as he walked past, only looking down to the floor once he received a cold stare. "Sorry he's not usually moody," she laughed, looking back to Jasper (who had just strolled into her house) with an annoyed scowl.

Writer in the Dark - J. HALEΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα