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THEY HADN'T decided to rush into a wedding like Bella and Edward had. No, Athena and Jasper waited a mere two years before their date. Not for any particular reason at all, it just happened that way. With Athena getting her teaching degree, she was far too busy to plan a wedding and would never let Alice have full control. She had part of the control, just not all of it. They had planned a more vintage, dark academia sort of wedding when compared to Bella's. It took place deep within the forest, rather far away from the house, in the clearing that was full of white budding flowers. And per to both their request, the wedding was small. It was just the Cullen family, the wolves that she wanted there (Billy, Jake and Seth), Benjamin, Tia and Amun, Pria and Ela along with a couple of Jasper's friends that she hadn't had quite met just yet. She, like he was, deeply looked forward to the day.

The day before the wedding, the two of them had decided to do something on the less traditional sort of side. They did not want to exchange any sort of personalised vows in front of their family, instead choosing to do so in the privacy of her home where the words would be even more special as they were their own. "Right, ready?" she grinned, sitting up from her blanket cocoon as she could not handle the wait any longer. Plus the movie they had been half watching, half talking over, had just reached the credits.

He glanced at the clock on the wall, checking when Luna was due to come to the house and dispel him from it. Just to check that they would have enough time without her interruption. "I have been ready for weeks," he half chuckled, turning entirely to face her.

She grinned then, feeling a surge of feigned heat to her cheeks as she looked down to her jumper and played with the hem on the sleeve. She took a deep breath, steadying herself before she began a well thought and heavily practised speech that had stolen her focus for months. "I honestly never thought I'd find someone like you. Someone kind and ever so caring, who puts up with my most random mood swings. I've always been someone who believed in fate, or signs from the universe and well, fate hadn't really been on our side for the first year of knowing you. But honestly, if I could change one thing about it, it certainly wouldn't be choosing not to go. The gap in not seeing you just made me realise all that I felt for you, the blooming attraction there," she paused, clearing her throat of the slight waver. "And I love you. I love you more than the trees love the sunlight and the rain. I love you more than I love the trees, and that's really something," she grinned as he chuckled softly, searching her eyes again as the ever so overwhelming love rushing over him bought the biggest of smiles to his face.

"I love your smile and your smirk. I love every single aspect of your personality. I love your protectiveness and how you are always there to hold my hand through things that I didn't even realise I needed support through. I love that you try, you try in every single aspect of life and even if you fail - which albeit is not very often- you learn from that and try again. I love how you care so deeply about others that you make sure they're okay before you yourself are okay - even though that is not the most healthy thing to be doing. And I love that you listen to my music, even though I can tell that you aren't particularly inclined to some of it. Maybe most of it," she chuckled. "And I love that, even from the beginning, you always cared how I was. That I was safe." A relatively long space of time followed as she paused again, getting her ever so swirly thoughts straight. "I promise to be there for you whenever and wherever to love you for eternity and so intensely that mortals believe us mad. And I genuinely cannot wait to be able to call you husband, or to take your name and hear it as a normal occurrence." She could not help it anymore, with the look in his eyes and the emotion flooding off of him she just had to. She leant forward and kissed him briefly, lingering in front of his face for a second before he pulled her in again with a hand on the back of her head. She grinned into that kiss, wondering if the one after they were married would feel any different.

Writer in the Dark - J. HALEWhere stories live. Discover now