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TWO WEEKS passed after Bella and Edward's honeymoon came to an untimely close. Bella had been pregnant after all, confirmed by multiple tests that Carlile pondered over for hours. What they hadn't expected however, was how fast she would deteriorate because of the pregnancy. The bump on her was far too big for a three-week-old baby - it looked more like she had been pregnant for a good few months. Her face had shrunken in size, losing the mortal glow pretty soon on. She struggled to sleep, feeling the topmost discomfort and pain from the growing child within her. Athena wondered what it felt like, to have something living inside of you but she didn't dwell on that thought for too long because she was mainly focused on being there for Bella. For whatever she needed, whether it was a glass of water or protection against visitors that had not occurred yet but were definitely going to.

Athena sat talking to Bella on the sofa as they both watched a random show on the television. Bella had been doing a lot of that, to distract herself, and Athena had been the one she came to for recommendations. Then, just as the film they were watching ended, she lifted her head from the side of the sofa and listened to the approaching motorbike outside. "What is it?" Bella asked as she listened to the thumping footsteps and quickly read his mind.

"I'll be back in a second Bells," she smiled then made her way through the living room, at mortal speed.

"Listen, just give it to me straight," Jake said to Carlisle as she reached the very top stair, not even being noticed by the wolf.

"Jake? Jake is that you?" Bella called from upstairs and Jake's head snapped in her direction, expression softening from worry at the sound of her voice. As he went to walk up the stairs, Athena sped to the very bottom and blocked the step.

"If you so much as graze a finger against her without her permission I will turn your brain to mush instantly, " she threatened, moving closer to him as she poked his shoulder to prove a point. Something in her eyes frightened him greatly, though he would never admit it to anyone. Athena was one of the only vampires he was actually somewhat frightened of, she had too much power. "Understand?"

He cleared his throat and swallowed deeply, "Yup."

"Good," she replied, moving out of his way. Jake wasted no time running up the stairs, walking into where Bella was without any hesitation as to what he was walking into. Athena followed ib behind, closely followed by Carlisle and once she saw Rose, she nodded telling her that the threat had been made and he understood.

"I'm glad you came," Bella smiled softly, talking only to Jake as he walked further into the room. Bella had been asking to see him for weeks but it just wasn't safe enough. But now, there was no going out of it whatsoever.

"Close enough," Rosalie spoke sternly as she stepped closer to Jake, still keeping Bella somewhat covered with her body.

"Rose it's okay," Bella reassured and with great reluctance, Rosalie moved out of the way and every vampire in the room watched Jake try to hide his reaction to her. He did a pretty good job overall, not gazing over her sunken face or eyebags as they said hello and other things. Though it didn't take a genius to tell that he was trying to figure out what was going on.

"So are you going to tell me what's wrong with you?" Jake asked eventually after their small conversation had reached a gap and he just couldn't contain his confusion and concern anymore.

Bella nodded softly and looked to Rose, asking, "Rose, you wanna help me up?" as she pulled her blanket off of her legs. Rose helped Bella stand and everyone once again watched as Jake almost grimaced, looking at her bump that was awfully bruised and slightly misshapen. 

"You did this," he seethed, storming over to Edward with such rage that Athena almost stepped in. Instead, Emmett placed a single hand on his shoulder, gripping tightly to hinder any sort of assault that he had planned on Edward. Edward thought he deserved it, he wanted to be yelled at for what he did to Bella. He wanted to suffer because he believed it was his own fault, his own fault that the one mortal he had sworn to protect forever was now in danger of death.

Writer in the Dark - J. HALEWhere stories live. Discover now