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bottle all over the place.

where am i?

i don't know

my head hurts, where are the others?

oh.. they are here. sleeping peacefully. we were partying, i remember now.

but some of them are missing.

is the party over?

my head stings so bad but i still decided to look for the others

we promised to go to bed together

all 14 of us.

and yet again i wondered why i still insisted to find them

"no! stupid! peel her face off!"

"now that's much more better!"

i couldn't believe what i was seeing

will i ever be able to forget this wickedness i'm witnessing?

i don't know.

but i'm sure.. i'm not hallucinating.

i stepped back, clutching the side of my shirt while my other hand is covering my mouth

i can feel beads of sweats forming on my face, wishing that every steps i make doesn't make a sound, i don't want to get caught.

even if they're my friends.

they still scare me

i don't think they're normal

i don't think anyone in this circle is.

i safely went back to the room where i was earlier.

i slowly laid back on the warm foam.

shutting my eyes tightly i could only wish.. wishing that tomorrow will be a new normal day.

a new day with my friends.

my silly, goofy and kind friends

not the one i saw in the other room.

not with the seven devils of this town.

guess who? (aetxtzy)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum