Always Protect You | John B Routledge

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Word Count: 2.1 K

"Baby, I'm in trouble."

"What the hell do you mean, you're in trouble, John B?" I demand, dropping the rag I was cleaning with. "What happened?"

"Well, this morning I promise Peterkin we would stay out of the water in exchange for her helping me out with DCS. And JJ convinced me we needed to go out to look at that boat, so we did. I went down and I found this bag. The cops were talking to JJ, Pope and Kie while it was happening, but that's another thing entirely. Anyway, I came back up and we find out it's a compass. My father's compass." I suck in a breath. That compass meant everything to his father. "And then, we're getting out of there when all of a sudden, these guys are following us. And then they start shooting at us. And fuck, baby, I was scared I was never going to get to see you again."

"Shit, John B. You know by now not to listen to JJ. Why did you now?"

"I know, I know. I just. . . I thought it would give me an idea of how to find my father. And I think it did."

"Okay. So what does this mean?"

"I think I have an idea of how to find my dad."

I sigh. "JB. You know I believe you, I do. But think about your dad. You and I both know he wouldn't want you to spend your summer searching for him. He would want you to have fun with your friends, relax and live the Pogue life. He will come back when he's ready. Just give him time."

He makes a grunting sound, which tells me he disagrees. "I'm not giving up until I find him. I know you wouldn't, either, if it was one of your parents, and don't tell me different." His voice is harsh, telling me I upset him.

"Okay. You do whatever you feel is right. I've got to go before Kie's dad fires me for not working. I love you. Stay safe, okay?" The last bit is more of a demand, and he knows I mean it. This boy is constantly testing my patience.

"I'll do my best. And I'll try to stay out of trouble. That's different when I'm with JJ, but I'll try. I love you, too, gorgeous. Work hard."

"I will. By, JB."

I finish wiping down the table and head inside to get any orders that are finished.

. . . . . 

"Okay, I'm at the house." I tell John B over the phone. I put him on speaker before opening my camera, taking pictures of everything he asked me to.

"Just send those to me, and we'll look over them. Thank you so much, baby. You're the best."

"I know I am." I retort teasingly before stopping in my tracks. I glance out the window. "Uh, JB?"

"What's up, gorgeous?"

"Someone's outside." I tell him, panicked, and rush to lock the door. Whoever it is has a gun, and I'm terrified. "They have a gun, John B. Shit."

"What? Someone's there with a gun? Fuck, baby, get out of there. Quick."

My hands are shaking, and my heart is beating out of my chest. I'm terrified. Here I am, alone in the house. Someone is breaking in, and they have a gun.

"Routledge! Open up, boy! I know you're here!" A man calls through the house. I press my back against the wall and slide down it, my entire body shaking now. Shit. How do I get out of this. Can I get out of this?

"Y/N? Are you there? Baby!"

"I'm here." I whisper. "What do I do? They're in the house. I don't know how to get out of here, John B."

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