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A/N: others might be confused on chapter 7, in the last part he said that it was his first time and first night with Cressida when in fact not because in chapter 1, they did had their first night. He doesn't consider that as his first night and first time because Cressida drugged him to sleep with her. Hope this helps...



I looked at Calix with a smile before responding with a gentle hum.

"I am not a real Bizeviron, if mother had a child, will the baby inherit the family?" He asked with curious eyes. I shook my head and patted him.

"No, because your father chose you to be his heir. And his grace's choice is absolute, no one can hinder his decisions." He nodded and ate his cookies.

"Then, I wonder why mother and father adopted me when both of you can have a child together..."

I almost choked on the tea after hearing what he said. "Son, I am infertile. I cannot have a child with His Grace."

"Mother I know that you're not, you just created that rumor so you can adopt me."

As time pass by, I noticed how clever and smart Calix is. He was too clever and mature for his age which made me worry.

He's still a child, my baby, he should stay like that and enjoy his childhood. I remembered in the novel that he had a rough life in the Duchy because of the evil Cressida. She was disgusted by the sight of Calix who doesn't have any resemblance to her husband, and thought that he's nothing but a peasant.

And in the story, the only reason why she conceived Derrick is because she often drugged the Duke in their monthly consummation night.

I sighed and continued on my embroidery. It's already spring, the Queen is carrying a child in her womb, it was announced a month ago. After this month, it'll be summer that'll continue on three months.

Now that I think about it, I need to prepare for the summer, I need to take care of the maid's summer uniforms and also the interiors of the castle. As a Duchess, not only budgeting the castle's money is my work, but also to make sure that the interiors of the castle are also in trend, quite a handful job being a duchess. That is why I decided to process the divorcement papers so Regan can sign it anytime after a month or two based on our contract.

"Ah!" I loosened my grip on my embroidery the moment I got pricked by the needle. I winced in pain as I squeezed it. More blood comes out from the wound but I don't care, cuz it lessens the pain when I'm squeezing it.

"M-Mom...." I saw Calix getting down from his chair and then walk towards me with his cute watered eyes, if he blinks, the tears would fall down instantly.

"Oh love it's nothing, I just got pricked a little." I assured him and patted his head with my other hand.

Jennie is not here since I told her to get more refreshments for Calix and I, so there's no one to tend to my wounds.

It's been quite awhile, the first time I reincarnated here, I was not used to this world's customs. I wasn't used on someone obeying what I want and stuff. But after the months that I spent here, I adapted quite well.

I slightly jump on my chair when the door of the green house suddenly burst open.

"Father, mother got hurt..." Calix whined the moment he saw Regan.

They walked towards me, Regan carefully touched my hand and looked at my wound, his eyebrows met the moment he saw my blood oozing out of the wound.

"It doesn't hurt so I'm fine." I said and tried to pull my hand from his grip but he didn't let me.

What he did next shocked me. He suddenly put my wounded finger inside his mouth and sucks it.

"D-Duke?!" I shrieked

He didn't stopped even though I'm pushing him away. He only stopped when there's no more blood coming out of my finger.

I can feel the heat from my face, I feel like I'll burst in any moment. I stood up and rushed towards the door escaping the green house. What the hell is he doing? Why would he suck my fingers!? It's dirty! Oh god!

Not only is it dirty, I felt strange when he did that. It's weird! That man... After the last consummation night he became a total different person, he's become caring and weird!

I slapped myself and shook my head.

"This is bad, don't you even do anything..." I said as I clutches the dress on top of my chest.

One wrong beat and it's all decided...


"Your Grace, Why did you do that?" My butler, Zehin asked as his eyes looks at my direction everytime he has the chance, while arranging the documents.

I frowned at him "Did what?" I asked innocently, but he just sighed and shook his head.

"I saw how Your Grace sucked the Madam's wounded finger."

I felt a little bit of embarrassment.

"So what? She's my wife, I'm just trying to make her feel better." Yeah, what's wrong with making your wife feel better after she's been pricked by a needle!

Zehin looked at me like I'm a newly discovered monster.

"I get Your Grace's intention but..."

He walked towards me and then he handed out the papers that came this morning.

"Your Grace has the power to heal the little Madam by using Divine power. I wonder why you did not?"

He has this smug look on his face as he went out of my office.


"..." He raised his eyebrows at me before looking somewhere else. I didn't say anything, why would I need to answer him? I am the Duke, I can stay silent to his questions if I want to...

But no matter what way you see it, it is indeed weird. I should've just helped her with my divine power, why did I need to suck on her finger?

I looked outside of the window of my office, from here I can see the greenhouse that my wife left due to embarrassment. I can still clearly imagine how her rosy cheeks heated up and how red her face was before running away.

I just thought that it's good to suck it...

February 3 2022

I Am The Evil DuchessWhere stories live. Discover now