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Cressida is the youngest daughter of the Marquisate of Buscher.

The family doesn't have an heir to pass down the family name because the Marchioness, now known as Countess of Ledoux ( because they have divorced ) failed to give birth to a son.

The whole Empire knows of the great misfortune of the Marchioness at giving birth.

Because after she gave birth to Cressida, the couple attempted to make an heir. Then wonderful news arrived that the Marchioness had became pregnant. The child that she was carrying was confirmed to be a boy, it is what the temple said. But at the Marchioness' 8th month of pregnancy, she had a miscarriage.

By the time that Cressida turned 4, the Marchioness was pregnant once again, But at the time of the labor, their supposed to be fourth sibling came out not breathing.

The Marchioness was experiencing postpartum depression because she have already lost two child, at the same time she's facing criticism from her husband.

But she doesn't have anytime to grieve for she was carrying a child a month after she lost her fourth child.

The end was tragic, she had a miscarriage again before the embryo could make it's form.

The Marquis was enraged because his wife couldn't give birth to an heir, he thought that she instead gave him useless daughter only to be sold away.

After three consecutive miscarriages, the Marchioness was at lost. She can't grieve nor she can even shed any tears. She was in pain and she was so tired.

At the same time her husband was already fooling around with either courtesans or noble ladies so they could bear an heir for him instead of the Marchioness.

After a year the Marquis brought a child similar to him. He said that he was a son of a distant relative. But he's fooling no one, everyone knows of his sexcapades in the capital.

That is when the Marchioness decided to divorce him.

The Ledoux are a little bit famous because of their healing magic, but time passed and the magical blood thinned until there's only a few of the Ledoux who can use the healing magic.

The Ledoux are also small in number, they either have one to three children, the first born would inherit the family title, the second would either go to the temple if boy he'll be a knight or priest and at the monastery if a girl.

The third one would be married off. That is what happened to Cressida's mother for she was the youngest of the Ledoux.

Since she gave birth to two daughter, her husband married his both daughter for power and scheme.

He only married her because of her family's healing ability that is the complete opposite of his.


It is the dark magic unknown to everyone. He thought if he had a child with both of these magical abilities, he would surely be ecstatic.

But no one in his children showed such ability.

Only he knows about it. And soon he'll tell it to one of his child...
"We greet the Duchess..."

I smiled sweetly at the two girls in front of me, the one with a bright face, while the other one with emotionless face.

Finally, Asridielle and Astherielle arrived in the Duchy. Regan said that they got a lead to where they was because of the Verenas.

As I have speculated, they began to move just like how suddenly Czarina had appeared.

"You, are you the beautiful sister that I met in the willow forest?" One of the twins said, it's Astherielle.

The only thing that I know as their marks is Asridielle has a tiny mole under her left eye and Astherielle has her mole under her right eye.

"Yes, that is right."

"Wow! The baby has grown so much! More stonger as well!" She chirped.

"Really? I'm glad!"

I looked at Jennie "Give the kids a nice room to stay in, and give them winter clothes."

It's already almost mid winter, and two weeks when I had met with Czarina who is reincarnated here like me.

Nothing happened, but the whole Duchy is always cautious.

There will be a ball that the Imperial palace will hold in the evening, and all of the nobles are obligated to join.

The physician of the Duchy told me to stay put in the Castle for my due date is drawing near. We're not certain of the exact date but it's just around the corner.

"Then we'll go ahead." Jennie said her hands holding the twin's.

But it was rather unusual when my eyes met with Asrid's. She was just staring at me.

Then the time where she's almost out of my chambers, she mouthed something.

Be... What was the next word?

I didn't bother to mind it and just rest on the bed, waiting for time to pass. I need to go with Regan at the ball in the Palace.

Because I need to make an appearance for I didn't go to the ball for the first prince's party.

Regan was fuming in anger the moment that the letter arrived. The seal of the emperor was there as it stated that both of the Duke and Duchess of Bizeviron must attend no matter what.

Even though we made an appeal requesting that I should remain in the Duchy, the Emperor didn't accepted it.

So I have no choice but to attend. I was already feeling a lot better than before, but I have difficulties aswell when it comes to walking, so I always need someone to be by my side.

The door burst out open and then Regan entered.

"We will bring knights with us." He said.

"Huh? But swords are not allowed inside the Palace."

"I don't care. Then atleast a dagger."

I feel better but that isn't allowed as well in the Palace.

"Alright, go and call for Jennie, I will prepare myself now." I looked outside of the window and saw that it's already dark outside.

The darkness scares me.

Jennie helped me put on my dress. The day my stomach began to swell, Regan immediately purchased a lot of maternity dresses that can be use for a lot of occasions.

The dress contains red, orange, yellow and white colours.

"My goodness, you're so breathtaking! My Grace would surely fall in love with you once again!" One of the maid exclaimed.

I blushed.

Not because of the last sentence, it's because she called me beautiful!

Though I have never felt insecure throughout the pregnancy about my face and body, but no one has ever called me beautiful despite that my stomach has become so big and I think it doesn't suit me!

Regan's always caressing my stomach a lot that I feel like I'm a fortune teller's crystal ball!

Even my husband doesn't call me beautiful...

"Wife, we've got to--"

He stopped and stared at me. Slowly he walked towards us and then he looked at the maid that complimented me.

"The shawl?"

July 23, 2022

I Am The Evil DuchessWhere stories live. Discover now