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I'm already on my 5th month of pregnancy, I love how huge my belly is right now.

"Here, your favorite order. Sweet potatoes!"

I smiled at Mrs. Guila, her whole family is staying at my house during the day, and they will go back to their home after having dinner with me.

They said that they want to take care of me during my pregnancy.

Although I said that they don't need to, they insisted when they found out that I slipped on the stairs in my 3rd month of pregnancy.

"Thank you!"

I started to dig in. Lately, I've been craving Mrs. Guila's sweet potatoes. She was happy that it was her sweet potatoes and not Mrs. Rosa's.

Our lunch was interrupted when a knock came from the front door. I was about to stand up, but Mrs. Guila said that she'll answer it.

I thanked her and she just winked at me.

I settled on my chair and listened to Mrs. Guila's conversation.

"Good afternoon ma'am, have you heard of the name Cressida Ophelia Bizeviron?"

My eyes widened, my hands froze and I didn't make a single sound in the kitchen.

"Cressida? No, there is no one here in the Capital named Cressida."

"Is that so, then, I'll show you a picture and then can you tell me if you saw her?"

"Oh, yes sure! Let me take a look!"

"Here, the woman I'm looking for has platinum blonde hair, a unique color of eyes similar to blue and green."

I stood up from my chair, I decided to take a peek.

There I can see Mrs. Guila's trembling hands while looking at my picture.

"W-Why are you looking for this woman, if I may ask sir?"

"That woman is the only Duchess of the Acrasia Empire..."

I turn my back and went upstairs. I need to gather my things. I thought that I'd be safe here in the Vatican. But it seems like it's not the case. Going to another Empire must be the best option after all...

While arranging my things, my bedroom door opened, and there stood Mrs. Guila.

"Aderyn... No, My Lady---"

"Mrs. Guila, please don't be like this..."

No... All of the hard work that I did to get everyone's trust...

"Why are they looking for you, My Lady?"

My eyes watered up the moment I can no longer see the kindness in Mrs. Guila's eyes

"My husband... And I got divorced through the temple. All of my belongings and property were taken away, even my surname. Now I am nothing but a commoner. So you don't need to use honorifics with me, Mrs. Guila."

She frowned.

"Then why're they pursuing you?"

I don't know how to answer her, but then her eyes went down to my belly.

I shook my head, disagreeing with whatever was in her mind.

"N-No, it's not what you think. My husband doesn't know that we have a child together."

Mrs. Guila heaved a sigh.

"So you were the one that they have been looking for." I frowned at what she said.

"What do you mean?"

"It's been a week since those men started to look for a florist in the capital, your flower shop was small and it was still undiscovered in other places in the Capital."

Those men, were they my father's? or perhaps, they are Regan's men?

I don't know... And I don't want to know. All I want now was to live with Derrick. Away from nobilities, just a normal life with my child.

"Please, help me. I know that after knowing my real identity, it'll be hard to trust me---"

"Silly, why would I not trust you? You're not a criminal in the run right?" Mrs. Guila smiled at me.

A tear escaped from my eyes.

"Oh my! Child why are you crying!?" Mrs. Guila panicked as she rush to me and hugged me, telling me to stop crying already or the baby in my tummy will be sad as well.

I chuckled but then I answered her.

"It's just, I thought Mrs. Guila would no longer trust me because of what you have found out about me."

She smiled warmly at me.

"Just always know that I am in no position to judge you."

I hugged her again and she hugged me back.

"Come and hurry, we must arrange your stuff, I'm sure that someone has already informed those men about you."

I nodded and started packing up my stuff. I finished packing up everything that I needed with the help of Mrs. Guila, I only have some of my clothes and then a few of my accessories. All of it was inside my big luggage.

Mrs. Guila presented to carry the luggage despite my firm refusal. But then she insisted that a pregnant woman should not carry heavy things. In the end, I lost and let her carry it.

It's in the middle of the afternoon, it would be difficult for me to travel in broad daylight now that some stranger is looking for me.

"We'll go to my house, I will keep you safe until night alright? I will go to the docks to find someone I know who will help you escape from here." Mrs. Guila said. I nodded at her before going inside their house.

Aria and Alana were keeping me busy.  They were always talking to me so I won't get bored, they were very sweet. I even thought that I hope I'll give birth to a girl, but then I cursed myself for thinking of that.

Night came and Mrs. Guila returned. She has a black cape on her and she was also sweating a lot when she took it off.

"Everything is ready." She said, I nodded at her.

Mr. Arya told the children to stay put inside the house before he accompanied me and Mrs. Guila to the docks to meet with the man Mrs. Guila had met with.

No one was around at the place by this time because it was the time when everyone was asleep.

"Take care..."

Mrs. Guila took my hand in hers and then she kissed it, sending warmth.

"I will, thank you so much..." She answered me with a warm smile.

I was about to board the boat when an arrow pierced the neck of the man who was supposed to help me escape.

I was too stunned to notice the shadows that emerge from every corner of the place. But when I did, I looked in the other direction.

Mrs. Guila was being protected by Mr. Arya, while the men in black were pointing their blades at them.

I was supposed to go there when I heard his voice.


April 11, 2022

I Am The Evil DuchessWhere stories live. Discover now