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"Hmm..." I groaned in my sleep when I feel the lack of warmth that I want first thing in the morning, and that is Cressida's warmth.

"Good morning, Your Grace."

Said a voice that I'm familiar with. I hurriedly sit up from the bed and glared at Zehin.

"How dare you come in the chambers of my wife?" I growled. If Cressida hears about this she'll be very angry since she doesn't want any man coming inside her bedroom. It was something she did because she doesn't want me to suspect that she'll cheat on me.

But... Where is she? I looked around and saw my wife's dresses scattered around the floor. I frowned and looked at my right hand man.

"Get the hell out Zehin, you're not supposed to be in here."

He seems hesitant at first but he did what he was told eventually.

I sighed and stood up from the bed, tidying up the mess that I made. I picked up my wife's dress and shoot it inside the basket.

Where is she? Is she embarrassed again?

I chuckled at my own thoughts as I imagine my wife's cute embarrassed face.

I decided to wash up before going to work, I remembered that I still have a lot of things to do, perhaps it's possible for me to visit her again tonight and I'll inform her during her tea time in the noon.


Looking outside of the window of my office, in search for my wife's blonde hair inside of the greenhouse. But I found no one in there. As much as I wanted to go and ask, I refrained myself from doing so. Also, it might be awkward for us to meet right now...

I sighed and continued to work..

Night came and it's time for dinner. I was about to stand up from my chair, when Zehin went inside my office. He has a letter in his hands.

"I'm going to have dinner with the Duchess, I'll look at it later." taking off a piece of my suit I walked pass him.

"The madam is not in the Duchy, Your Grace."

I stopped on my tracks because of what he just said, I turn and faced him. "What?"

His hands were trembling while holding the letter. I looked at it and then I snatched it from him.

The seal was just from a normal stamp without any carving, those were used by commoners... Then the other one is the Temple's seal.

I opened the letter that the Temple sent.

The Divorce between Duke Regan Alastair Bizeviron and Duchess Cressida Ophelia Bizeviron is hereby allowed by the Temple.

The Duchess will then be demoted to commoner status as punishment. All of her property will be confiscated and her last name would no longer be hers.

My hands trembled as I read the contents of the letter... How? Why? I haven't sent out the divorcement papers!

I ran to my desk and looked for the papers. When I found it, it feels like my body gave up. I feel weak while looking at my wife's beautiful signature on the divorcement papers...

I stumbled and sat on the floor.

"Your Grace---"

I raised my hand causing him to stop on stepping further towards me.

"Go out."

With a single sentence, he did. I frowned and run my hands through my hair.

Then I opened the next letter...

─────∘◦ ✾ ◦∘─────

My Duke,

By the time you're reading this, I'm probably away and travelling somewhere no one can recognize me. I was thankful for the time you've graced me with your kindness. I was thankful that you have trusted me. Be sure to treasure Calix, he's a sweet child my lord. As per our contract, I fulfilled it, I already signed the contract and I passed my letter that contains my approval of the divorce. I pray and hope you find your happiness, and I'm finding mine. I'm sorry for all of the troubles I've caused. Please forgive me for that. I am also sorry that I didn't say goodbye, I'm afraid that I can't go if I say my goodbyes personally, so this is the only method that I could only think of. I'm sorry, goodbye, and I loved you...


─────∘◦ ✾ ◦∘─────


Loved? Loved... So she loved me. During the nights that I embraced her she just loved me but doesn't actually loves me? Is that it?

I hid the letter in my drawer.

"Hakeem... Find my wife." I muttered. A black shadow formed in the dark at the corner of my office.

"As you wished, Your Grace."

I went out, I wanted to go directly at the temple but then I heard a commotion at the left wing of the mansion, it is where Calix's room located.

"Please! Tell me where my mother is! I want to come with her! I want my mother! Let go! Mother!"

I saw Calix trying to fight the maids that are stopping him from going outside of his room.

"D-Duke!" One of the knights acknowledged my presence.

All of them bowed their heads letting go of the child in the process. Calix was sobbing standing on his place.


"I want to see mother... I want to go with her! I don't want to be here without her! Bring me my mother!"

I walked closer and I scooped him in my arms. He was startled at first but then he tried to relax in my embrace. He was sobbing nonstop and he's repeating the word mother while crying.

I patted his head and his back walking back and forth...

It took awhile to calm Calix whenever I tried to tuck him into bed he would cry and he would start panicking again. I was the only one who can comfort and calm him, probably because we're family.

I stared at him, He was the previous Empress' lost son. I adopted him because there's a high chance that the Grand Duke's faction will use him against the current Empress. It'll be better to take care of him as my own.

If he wants the Duchy, I will give it to him, because he deserves more than the Duchy.

"I promise to bring your mother back... I promise." I muttered as I look at my son's peacefully sleeping face...

No matter what...

March 31 2022

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