Painful Touch full of Poison

415 14 5

TW: R@p£ Mention


Third Pov

Nightmare crossed his hand with an angry looked. Those teenagers stared at him with a surprise expression.

"Oh wow. You are brave now huh, monster? Aren't you are just a lame nerd who don't want his brother, Dream to know he was bullied?" Replied one of the teenagers as he laughed at Nightmare.

Nightmare replied back with a blank expression. "Bullied? Who? Me? By who? You guys? I don't even think Dream will care about me. You know, I think you trash talking about wrong person. I will just go then." Replied Nightmare tiredly.

"HEY! WAIT!" shout one of them but Nightmare just rolled his eyes and walked away .

A sudden tuck from his shirt causing Nightmare to fall and hit the hard dirt ground. Nightmare groaned in pain and looked back towards the teenagers with anger.

"WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU?! I DONT EVEN KNOW YOU!" Shouted Nightmare. A monster with bunny ears suddenly slapped Nightmare face, left him speechless.

"Do you think we stupid, Demon? We all know you are Nightmare. We don't remember what happen but you destroyed our village. Monster!" Everyone began to shout and screamed at Nightmare who was left dumfounded.

He was overwhelmed. He is not a monster...

"I'm NOT A MONSTER! GO AWAY FROM ME!" Screamed the small skeleton as he pushed the bunny away.

A harsh grip can be felt on both of his hands and legs. Those teenagers began to surround him and gripped him tightly.

The bunny went back to him and punched his stomach. Nightmare was shocked with the sudden pressure on his abdomen causing him to coughing violently.

"Bad Demon, will be punish. How can you forget that Nightmare? Do you want us to tell Dream about this? Do you think Dream will love you? " Nightmare can feel his tears began to flowing down his cheek.

"I feel nice... I guess we can use you ... We kinda bored anyway. Right guys?" The others teenagers just laughed and agreed.

Nightmare began to tremble in fear. His staff. Where is his staff?!

He couldn't used his power. He don't know why. Teleport! Teleport away Nightmare!

The bunny grip Nightmare Neck, making him choke in fear.

"Stupid Demon. We won't hesitate to send this to your stupid Brother who believe on everything. If you fight back. We will send this video to Dream."

Nonononononono please Don't, thought Nightmare.

"P-please n-not Dream..." Sobbed Nightmare as they began to undress him without his consent.

"Not so fierce now, huh? You are still as stupid as before, Night. Always weak and Fragile. But I guess that what makes your body feel even better." Nightmare eyes widened as he tried to escape .

"Please please please no, Please let me go- please! PLEASE NONONO- ITS HURT!-" Nightmare screamed in pain as they began to rape him...

Nightmare cannot feel his whole body. Tears falling from his eyes as he closed his eyes...

Please someone help me ...


The sky already pitch black. Nightmare was sobbing while grabbing his clothes. His private was hurt. He was covered with blood and scars. His body full with hickey, Nightmare kept on crying. He felt dirty.

He was ashamed of himself. He was scared and embarrassed.

"C-Cross, E-Error... Help" Cried him...


Nightmare silently entered the house, make sure no one was there. For the first time, he was glad that Cross and Error wasn't home yet.

With that, Nightmare teleported to his room and went towards the bathroom. He undress himself and stared at the mirror. Tears was falling from his eyes.

"I looked like a whore... What if they send those video to Dream?- Dream will blamed me-nononono please no..." Nightmare was panic and fall to the floor. He was shivering and surrounded with guilt.

He then opened the shower and began to scrub his body harshly. He kept on crying and sobbing, kept blaming himself.

"I-im a demon... Is that why I got- no ... What did I do wrong to deserve this? Why God despise me so much?" He kept on asking himself until he was tired.

He don't remember what happen but the last thing he remembered was falling to the hard tiles and fainted.


Nightmare Pov


It's... Dark. So... Cold.

I was walking around the dark void, searching for someone... "Error? Cross?!" All those Scream only being greeted with painful silence. Oh no. Where am i-

"ANYONE?! HELLO!!!" Silence.

Tears began to fall from my eyes as my stupid legs fall to the ground in fears...



Voice. I heard someone voices! Is it... Blue?

"BLUE? I-Is that really you?!"

Night, please wake up...

Wake up? From what? Dear me, please open your eyes- open your eyes Nightmare! Please!

Third Pov

Blue was busy searching for the right herb and medicine to heal the poor skeleton in front of him. "What the hell happen to you, Night..." Whispered his to himself. Suddenly, the small skeleton began to move around, calling out his name.

"Night?! Night! Hey, are you there? Please wake up, Night!" Blue began to nudge Nightmare's cheek gently, hoping for him to wake up.

He tried again, as he saw tears falling down from those fragile cheek. His soul wrenching from those sight...

"Oh, Night... I never expect to see you like this..." Blue lay down his head as he hold Nightmare's hands tightly.

"B-blue..." A raspy sound can be heard as Blue stood up an saw Nightmare crying while looking at him. "Nightmare?! Are you okay-" Nightmare shook his head as he began to cry.

"It's hurt. Everything hurt... They h-hurt me- they won't stop-" What...

Please not the thing he thought... Blue sit down next to Nightmare while caressing him gently.

"Night... What happen?" Nightmare was sobbing as he remembered the video from the villagers.

He want to tell someone but those word only stuck on his neck. He felt like a heavy liquid on his throat.

"I-i..." Blue sense something wrong but he didn't force. "Night, may I know, how did you get those bruises?" And those bite marks... Thought Blue with anger. He was angry for Nightmare sake. He was angry for himself.

"I-i did it myself." Nightmare began to avoided eyes contact, trembling while hugging his small body frame.

"Night..." Blue was desperate.

"Please-... Don't tell anyone about this. They will use it to kill me- I mean. I will be end up dead anyway, but... I don't want to go now..." Whispered him while looking down.

"Do you tell, Cross or Error?" Nightmare shook his head.

"I don't believe them... Not anymore... But I will be the happiest person in the world if they never found out about any of this especially... Dream." Blue sighed while pulling Nightmare slowly for a warm hug.

"You are unbelievable...strong ..." Nightmare let his tears fall down again as he let himself in Blue arms. "I just wish to live, but I'm It not sure about this anymore... Blue... Help me... Please..."


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