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A/N : Asalamalaikum to all the readers ! I am a new writer, this is the first time I am writing a story but all of this is purely from my imagination. It does not have any connection with anybody's real life or any ongoing shows.
Please enjoy my story . Jazakallah!


Hala Yusuf is a 20-year old girl preparing for her ACCA exam scheduled in a few months. She does not come from a rich family but she definitely lives a respectable middle class lifestyle with her family.Although she has a modern outlook, she is a very pious practicing muslim on the inside. She is smart, diligent, loyal and extremely respected among her relatives as she is the only girl who chooses to continue her education. There is only one person she dislikes and everyone knows who it is , it is none other than her cousin - Waleed Aly

Waleed Aly is 25-year old is the son of billionaire completing his last year of Business Intelligence in London relaxing on his father's money. He lives an unorganized life ; he drinks , hangs out with girls and parties all day which is far from a muslim lifestyle. He is intelligent, loving and caring about his family but his rash life forces his father to call him back to India and give him a sense of responsibility. He hates one girl with passion and has made it quite obvious to the whole family, his cousin - Hala Yusuf

The plan of God pushes them into a circumstance where they have to accept each other as life partners !

Will they accept each other ? Will they find the good in each other ? Will they pay the cost of an uneventful situation ? Will they tit for tat their entire lives ?


So, guys how did y'all find this ?

I am super excited for writing this , I hope it turns out the way I want it to . Inshallah !

Oh , don't forget to drink a glass of water and say Astaghfar

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