01 | Hala Imran Yusuf

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"Where do you think you are going, young woman?" mama asked me sternly while I was steadily moving out of the house. How does she know all the time and how do I get caught all the time. I really felt like slapping myself for being so evident.

Ya Allah, please help me from the wrath of my mother dearest !

"Hello ?! I am talking to you Miss Hala Imran Yusuf" mama said snapping her ringed fingers in front of me. She used my full name which means I am definitely dead meat today.

"You know where I am going mama, why do you ask me again and again ?" I whined loudly for which I got a glare in return

"I don't ask a question to get questioned in returned. Now, answer my question" mama said
"I am going to the masjid first and then heading to my ACCA class" I said slowly while assessing her expressions

"Aren't you aware about the bustling situation at home and for whom it is ?" mama asked me tiredly
"I know mama but my classes are important to me too. I promise to finish my class early and come home for the event in the evening. Okay?" I asked smilingly because I know that she wont deny now.

"Okay sweetie but please come home soon." she told me worriedly

I ran up to her and hugged her tightly. "I have never let you down mama and I wont do that today either" I said in her ear and gave her a kiss on the cheek

"Okay mama I am getting late, I'll see you in the evening. AllahHafiz " I said running towards the door
"Inshallah . Take Care of yourself sweetie. AlllahHafiz" said mama

So this is me, Hala Imran Yusuf who is studying for ACCA examination to become a successful accountant. I live with my mama - Saba Yusuf , baba-Imran Yusuf and younger sister- Hania Yusuf. We are a happy family of four. My father is a Mathematics professor in the town college and my mother is a beautiful housewife who chose to look after her family instead of continuing her design course. I know your question and even I ask her the same question everyday, 'Why did you do that?' or 'You could have continued after we grew up' and her answer would be 'InshaAllah, I'll see what to do' and then she changes the topic.

Well, today is an extremely special day for our family or me specifically. I am getting into the swamp of marriage soon. Don't get me wrong , I don't have a problem with marriage as it is half of my seen but I was never planning on doing it so early neither was my family until one morning when my father told us that he was heading towards retirement and he will not be able to conduct two marriages after retirement and asked me if I agreed to do it now. I was really upset because I thought he was putting me under parental pressure to get me married but later I actually understood what he was feeling - uncertainty.

When a person belongs to the elite class, they have numerous problems to deal with some are reasonable whereas more of them are the result of ungratefulness. I don't want to judge , Astaghfirullah but that is what I have witnessed until this date. On the other hand, when a person belongs to middle class , they need to be ready for any uncertainty coming their way. They have tremendous problems from financial to emotional and sometimes people take the lead of the wrong path under pressure and others stick to their strive.

I actually prayed and asked Allah to help me with answers to get married. Eventually, after two days, I agreed to take the step and get married. My parents were emotional but ecstatic with my answer and I don't blame them because looking from their pov is nearly impossible since parents understand their young ones better than the youngsters themselves.

"Ma'am we have reached your destination" the cab driver said bored
" Umm I am sorry, I am just leaving. Thank you" I gave him the fare and got down.
I looked at the mosque and admired how beautiful it was. This mosque was extremely special to me, I came here almost everyday. My father and mamu had contributed with other friends to build this mosque which had an orphanage attached to it on the backside.

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