06 | Messed Up

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"Don't talk to me" I said walking off in the hallway

"Woah woah ! Who put your pants on fire this morning?" Aizah widened her eyes following me to my locker

"Mama, Baba and Waleed !!" I shouted on top of my lungs grabbing the attention of all the bypassers

"WHAT ? HAVEN'T YOU SEEN A GIRL IN DISTRESS?" All the students staring at me scrambled away

"Ya Allah, Relax hulk and tell me what happened. Stop screaming like a mad woman" Aizah said holding my shoulders in place so that I don't walk away again

"I'll tell you later. We've class right now" The day really started on the wrong foot

"Hala, stop. You can't ruin my day along with yours" I looked at her puzzled

"What I mean is that I won't be able to concentrate in class now that something is wrong with you, it will make me mad then I'll snap t everyone like you just did and then I-" She said dramatically

"Okay I'll tell you. Stop with the drama. Let's go to the canteen" I cut her off rolling my eyes at her exaggeration. It was actually true. This woman cannot concentrate when she has to say something or when others have to tell her something.

We walked a while to the canteen in silence and Aizah staring at me like I am a difficult question in her textbook. I grabbed a table and set my bag on one of the four chairs and sat down on the other and Aizah followed still staring at me.

"Will you stops staring at me? I said I'll tell you everything right ? I am going to order , you want the usual? I said and she nodded in confirmation

I walked up to the counter and looked around seeing no one was in the canteen except for us so I actually doubt, we will get something good

"Hello Veer. Can you take my order please? Make Aizah's too" I said calling out to the 18 year old assisting his father

"Hello Dee. Yes right away. Is it the usual? He asked and I just nodded while smiling

"What happened dee? You look stressed today" Veer said while making my French Vanilla Mocha

"Nothing. Just exam pressure. By the way, how is your prep for the upcoming exams?"I took my cup while he made Aizah's cappuccino

"My preparation is in a really good swing. The notes and books you gave me are helping me a lot. I promise, I'll return it to you once I am done with the exams" He said pouring the milk

"Oh no no I don't need the books and notes. You can keep them for future reference or pass it on to someone who really needs them" I said taking the cup from his hand

"Thanks dii for all the help. You really made the impossible possible for me" He said taking the money from my hand

"Oh please you always had it in you. Anyway I'll see you around. bye" I said while he waved at me and got into his books

Veer is the son of the canteen owner , Kumar uncle. He wanted to give his medical exams but didn't have the resources for it so I asked Omar for his entry level books and notes and he happily gave them.  Only on his acknowledgment I told Veer to keep it or pass it on because he said he didn't need them now or he could just buy a new set if he needed but these children don't have the resources so they need it more than him. Omar was actually very nice unlike his older brother

The thought of that devil in disguise brought a scowl on my face

"Take this cup Aizah, its too hot" I said in a rush and she looked up from her phone where she was scrolling through her instagram

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