02 | Waleed Ahmed Aly

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Asalamalaikum beautiful readers ! I hope you liked the previous chapter. This is my next chapter. I just wanted to say that I might not be able to publish a chapter everyday because I have my exams coming up and I really took the risk to start writing to relieve stress.

Alright ENJOY !



"Yo ! Eid where you at mann ?! It is such a happening party brooooo ! I don't think I will be coming until tomorrow morning." said a drunk voice on call

"Can you not chill bro ? This is the 5th time you are calling in the last three minutes. Like I said I am on my way. Relax. If you cannot then have fun yourself" I yelled annoyed in my car because firstly, it was raining like there is no freaking tomorrow . Secondly, there is a heavy traffic in front of me and thirdly this man has been irritating me by calling every other minute.

" Okay how about you calm down. I am sorry I won't call again and again but I cannot have fun without you and you know why. These girls here are so ravishing and they are actually so beautiful" He said impatiently

"All girls are beautiful Saifi except one. Alright I am hanging up . I want to drown in music for sometime" I said extremely annoyed with the traffic

"Hey ! I told you not call me Sai-" I hang up on him.

I glance at the time on my dashboard and its already 10pm here in the traffic and the club was about 30 minutes from where I am but looking at this traffic I doubt I will reach there in 30 minutes. Ofcourse. And this all is happening because of that wannabe of my life - Hala Imran Yusuf.

I blame her for all the wrongs in my life because ever since she stepped into this world, everyone in my family except my mom compares me to her. While growing up, I went to her hometown only once and she came to my place about 3 times i guess but everytime we meet she starts a war- the prank war and ends it with "You deserve it Waleed. Tit for Tat".

I am in the wrong situations because of her. She probably prays that I suffer everyday of my life because she likes to be stressed and hurt.But the last time I heard her she crossed all the lines. I would forgive her all the time or play a reverse uno card by pranking her but what she did the last time made me the guy I am today. Frustrated. Cold Hearted. Angersome. Lonely.
Because of her I was alone
Because of her my dad doesn't trust me
Because of her I am alone


I was excitedly running towards my dad's study to tell him about the mail I recieved this morning of being selected in my dream basketball team. I reached the door but I heard him say
"Yes Hala. I was thinking of the same. I am actually tired dealing with his nonsense. I don't know when he will learn the sense of responsibility and do something for his family." He said frustrated

I had tears in my eyes waiting to fall down. I couldn't hear what was Hala saying on the other end because the phone wasn't on speaker

"I really feel relieved talking to you, my daughter. I will definitely take your suggestion and for Waleed I will definetely apply your advice on him. Thank you Hala. I love you too. Yes, I will visit you soon. Tell me what my child wants ?"

I just couldn't take it anymore and ran to my room . I threw all my achieved frames down. I put my invite mail on fire because who cares about me anymore. If Hala is important to everyone then why should I give a damn about anyone.

All I could think was did I disappoint my dad so much that he is fed up of me. I do everything in my power to keep myself on the highest rank in my parent's eyes. I am loaded with money but study on a scholarship because I wanted to prove myself to my dad so that I could make him proud. I have excelled in my studies, extra curricula's and sports but this is what I receive in return.

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