04| Indecisive

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A/N : Sorry for the delay, I had to take a day off writing because I had exam prep to do so I'll post slowly but try to make it regular. Apologies to keep you waiting. Also I know that my writing isn't the best and there a truck load of mistakes but we can forgive that and focus on the emotion yea? Okay lets head in the story



An piercing shrill startled me in my sleep.

I looked around still trying to process who is playing what instrument almost ready to start a fight but then no-one is around in the dark room

Suddenly my eyes fell on the white light flashing on my right . It was the alarm clock on the phone flashing 4 am . I breathed out the air I didn't even know I was holding but I don't even remember keeping this alarm tone , its probably Hania then.

I quickly got up, took my clothes from my wardrobe and rushed to the washroom. I know many people don't shower early morning but I can't proceed my day without showering and I feel nasty to pray without actually taking a shower. I did my business, brushed my teeth and showered in the hot water using my favorite herbal essence white strawberry and sweet mint on my hair. I love this shampoo, it doesn't suit on a lot of people but I guess I am lucky in this case.

By the time I came out, it was 4:20 am just enough time for Tahajjud. I dried my hair and braided it from the crown of my head till my ears and left it open from down. I looked at Hania through the mirror who was sleeping soundly

How can she not wake up with that alarm clock ?

"Nia" I said going to her bedside

"Nia, get up. Look at the time, its almost 4:30am . You will lose out time on Tahajjud" I said tapping her shoulders

"Ughh Api ! Stop tapping so much, its annoying." She whined turning on the other side. I rolled my eyes

"Nia, its really getting late" I said knowing that if she will miss Tahajjud, she will feel guilty the whole day

"Aapi , what time did you come out of the washroom?" She asked randomly

"Around 4.20am. Why?" I asked confused

"And its 4.30am now, right ? You might have finished the entire hot water while showering. Give me five minutes, I promise I'll be up." She said with a serious face

"Okay but make sure you stick to your promise." I said rolling my eyes amused at her stupidity

I walked away from the bed and lay out my prayer rug. I made sure my prayers have long prostrations and made dua'a in those prostrations.

"The nearest a slave can be to his Lord (Allāh) is while they are prostrating, so increase in supplication" (Ṣaḥīḥ Muslim, Musnad Aḥmad)
This hadith in the back of my mind always pushed me to make a whole hearted dua'a which led to me in tears after prayer.

After praying, I looked back and noticed that Nia was praying to which I smiled and returned to my azkaars. I recited Qur'an for a while till I heard the azaan for Fajr. After praying, I read Quran for an hour and now it was 7:00am

I stood up going to the mirror removing my hijab and stared at my reflection thinking about what kind of impression would I make on the people coming to see me. At one point, I really wanted them to like me and accept me but on the other hand I wanted to wait because I felt like this wan't the right time for me to get married. I had a lot to do for my family, I needed to take over the pressure from my father and continue fulfilling responsibilities like a good daughter but its not necessary for every wish to be fulfilled. I am confused and I cannot wrap my head around what my final decision should be.

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