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PANSY just completed appyling lip gloss. She initially wanted to do much more than just a streak of eye liner and some lip gloss, but convinced herself that it was unnecessary as this date would end up in flames too.

She was already in her black lace bodysuit, with a pair of dark blue flare jeans. She, with the outfit, adorned a simple but expensive gold chain in her neck.

With a final look in the mirror, she decided that she looked good enough and took out her phone. She double texted Ginny, just to make sure her date won't be spoiled this time too.

By taking a pair of black boots, she headed out of he dorm and into the common room, just to spot a very bored looking Blaise Zabini sitting on one of the common room couches.

"Hey, have you seen where Theo is?" Pansy asked, her voice faltering slightly as she could not spot Theo anywhere.

"Oh?" Was Blaise's response, but after a sharp glance from her, he said, "I didn't see Theo all day, I'm sorry."

"Oh, Aright, Thanks," Pansy tried her best to keep her voice even. This wasn't the first time he made her feel like this, and by this time, she should've known that Theodore Nott does not like her in any way possible. It was just her and her delusional mind.

Yet she still had that small hope inside of her that maybe, just maybe he was already waiting for her at Hogsmeade? She knew it was dumb, but she considered it as an option.

"If he isn't waiting for me there, I'll buy myself a drink, I can't be bothered any less." She convinced herself.

Minutes later, she reached Hogsmeade and immediately made her way towards Madam Puddifoot's and as expected, Theo wasn't there. There were about ten couples eating each other's faces off, which slightly made her gag. She chose a table at the corner of the shop, near a window so that she could atleast have some peace there. A waitress approched her table.

"Ma'am, what's your order?" The waitress asked, but she was looking at the empty chair rather than Pansy.

"Uh, I'll have Hot Cocoa." Pansy replied, looking around for something to be engaged in.

"Alright. Hot Cocoa...for two?" The waitress asked, and something about her tone gave off a sly vibe. Clearly, she was one nosy sod of a waitress.


"Only one?" She was getting on her nerves at this point.

"Yes. Only one. And make it fast." Pansy's voice was as sharp as a knife's edge, which made the waitress grumble something close to 'so grumpy and for what' to herself and leave.

After a while, her order came and she held the cup to her mouth and began to look all around the store again.

While only this time, she spotted a bush of blonde hair. She quickly looked at the person again, a boy with blonde hair. It was Draco. But what was surprising was that he was there with a girl. The girl had long, wavy browish-black hair. She was leaning over the table to say something to him and he laughed.

Pansy was a bit hurt, as he never told her about his date, but kept quiet and pretended that she didn't notice anything yet.

It was over fifteen minutes and it was getting hopeless. But still, a huge part of her wanted to sit there, waiting. This time, she was not only waiting but was looking at her new-found discovery too, Draco and his date.

She quickly whipped out her phone and snapped a picture of the couple, making sure Draco's face was visible clearly in the photo.

She got up, shoving her phone in her bag and started walking out of the store. It was pointless. She walked a bit too quickly towards the exit and turned to get out, but only ended up bumping roughly into someone and let out a groan.

"What the fuck," Pansy whisper-yelled, rubbing her eyes. "Are you blin-" She soon shut her mouth as soon as she saw it was. Theo.

"I am so sorry, Pans, I really am," He stammered, as he picked up the bouquet of tulips and a box of chocolates.

"Wha-" She began, but stopped as she was unsure of what to say and she was too stunned to utter a normal sentence.

"Well, um, I started on time but then remembered that I well-" He rambled but stopped and placed the bouquet and chocolates in her hands. "Because I know you hate roses," He said, a bit embarrassed.

"I- oh my god," Pansy spoke out. Took a deep breath. Then composed herself and began, "Thank you, Theo, I really am. But I'm a bit full now and, you know," She smiled sympathetically as Theo's expression morphed into the reflection of hers'.

"Oh," He mumbled, "I am sorry for being late, Pans," He apologised.

"Well, I'm sorry too but I have to leave. Thank you for the flowers and the chocolates tho," Pansy replies in a clipped tone, pretending to be annoyed, but deep down, her heart was doing backflips.

"Wait, No— Don’t leave," He panicked. "Stay. Please," He added, making her secretly blush but she would never admit it, even to herself.

She only gave him an apologetic smile before walking out of the place, tightening the scarf around her neck due to the cold, only seeing the gorgeous setting sun. 

What she didn't see was Theo throwing the flowers and the chocolates to the ground, rubbing the back of his neck in regret and cursing his existence.

And he kept staring at her retreating back, wondering if she'll ever give him another chance again.

end of chapter three.

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