Chapter 25. Remembrance

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Augustine dodged an incoming sword.

The butler wore a cold and unfathomable expression, which had made his opponent feel even more eerie. Gilg sneered, throwing multiple knives at the butler. Meanwhile, Augustine avoided every single attack with precision. Despite the muscles on his body, he was able to move like a phantom scurrying through the shadows.

Gilg gritted his teeth. "Is it so difficult to kill a member of K?"

Augustine flicked his eyes at the member of M. "I am no longer in that organization."

Gilg's brown eyes had widened. He stopped throwing his knives, trying to process the information. Is it possible for him to leave K? I thought that all members of K were loyal as hell?

Taking advantage of his opponent's thought process, Augustine advanced. He took out his hidden sword, ripping it off from his belt. Mercilessly, he sliced at his opponent's vitals. Despite losing to Azalea in the swordsmanship tournament, Gilg was quick on his feet.

"Dammit!" He swore.

Ten minutes ago, he was running around the school, trying to find his old buddy Tetra and meet up. Instead, he ran into Augustine—who was a familiar face.

After all, both of them used to be in the organization "Reincarnator". However, after the organization split into two factions, they parted ways and never saw each other again. It was a shame—and yet, not much of a shame. It wasn't like they ever interacted with one another.

Both had their motives in trying to kill the other.

They wanted to prevent the other faction from completing their goals! Augustine despised members of M, since they not only disrupted his plans, but are also wolves in sheep's clothing. Meanwhile, Gilg needed to prevent K from changing the plot lines. If they kill Lucilline Rubius instead of the main characters, then how would the heroine and male lead get together?

When Azalea and Daphnne married in the original novel, the two went on a conquest to bring light to a new era. Indeed, Lydia Kingdom had turned to the better.

If they don't marry and fall in love, then none of those would happen!

Wouldn't that influence the plot line too much?

"Die!" Gilg gritted his teeth, blocking a blow from the butler.

Augustine remained indifferent and unmoved. His silver eyes seemed to cut through every bone and marrow, even the smallest speck of dust.

The two clashed their swords, and sparks of metal sprang outwards.


Lucilline and his group had rested.

According to the time spent on evacuating all of the noble people, the Royal guards should have been informed, and should be arriving any moment. Royal guards were knights running under the Royalty faction. They mainly fight for any horrible disasters, which includes demon invasions.

"Will we be fine?" Daphnne shivered.

Percival glanced at her. "Didn't you kill a demon? You should be fine." He tried to move, but his broken made him hiss out in pain.

Lucilline worried for the brown-haired nobleman. He sighed, ripping a portion of his own black sweater. He took the black fabric, then hung it around Percival's neck and arm, making it look like a brace. "Don't move right now, you're badly injured."

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