Chapter 39. Not Only a Prince in Title

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Lucilline felt as if his whole body was doused in frigid cold lake water.

Why is the Crown Prince here at the residence right now? It has only been one day or two since our last meeting. What makes him come here all of a sudden?

His thoughts raced deliriously.

Duke Rubius was still ill in bed. He had ordered for nobody to know about his sickness. Lucilline had always upheld his orders seriously—but what should he do now? His Royal Highness the Crown Prince is now at the Duke Rubius manor! There is now a high chance that he'll find out about Duke Rubius' illness!

"Your Royal Highness the Crown Prince, you can't enter." Lucilline rudely blocked the entrance of the door.

Dimitri was stunned. He didn't expect to have this sort of treatment.

Lucilline's face wore an expression that made it seem like he was the victim.

All of a sudden, a hand patted him on the shoulder. A headful of mahogany red hair popped up behind him, with a gentle smiling face. Zephyratt leaned weight on his younger brother, "Come on now, Lucy. You shouldn't make things difficult for our important guest."

Important guest? Lucilline's delicate golden eyes widened.

"Actually, I was the one who invited His Royal Highness the Crown Prince over." Zephyratt smiled. "Do not worry. Your big brother wouldn't invite guests over without a reason."

Lucilline's cold body felt a slimmer of warmth return.

It has almost been half a decade since they've invited guests over to Duke Rubius' manor. That was when Duke Rubius' illness had set in, and he ordered for nobody to know of him being bedridden. Perhaps it was his shame from getting sick that made him decide such a thing.

Lucilline wondered what made his older brother decide to invite guests over. After all, that was against the rule that Duke Rubius set in their household.

"Why don't you come inside, Crown Prince?" Scarletta waved from behind. "I'm sure that there are many things you'd like to discover."

Dimitri's eyes thinned from caution. Many things that I'd like to discover?

He didn't question it however. He was lead inside the manor by Willow, who had also lead him the way past the many traps in the gateway.

Inside the manor, Dimitri sat comfortably in front of the dining table.

Willow had set up a tea set before him, pouring a cupful of hot tea for him. She then left swiftly, leaving behind her Masters to greet the guest.

"What is it that you'd like to discuss with me?" Dimitri arched an eyebrow.

Both Scarletta and Zephyratt sipped their tea at the same time, making them seem more like twins than anything else. Their demeanour and mannerisms at the dining table reflected the peace of a tranquil and still lake.

Only Lucilline knew what kind of menacing danger hid beneath their disguise.

"I have always been meaning to get in contact with House Rubius, but the Eldest and Second Eldest Young Masters' busy schedule and absence had left me no choice but to find Lucilline." Dimitri sighed. "However, I never expected for you two to purposely seek me out. It is indeed a rare opportunity for me, so I would like to hear what made you two go out of your way to gain an audience with me."

Scarletta placed her cup of tea gently down. Her silver grey eyes imposed a sharp and threatening glare, as she glanced at Zephyratt from the corner of her vision.

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