Chapter 31. Lucilline Rubius is Ashamed

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The light of a candle flickered in the night.

The day had passed by, and Lucilline rested back in Duke Rubius' manor. He shuffled underneath the layers of blankets, with thoughts racing in his mind, contrasting the silence of the dark sky. His mind wandered back to the chaotic day of the demons invading school; and realizing that one of his associates was actually a demon in disguise.

It was difficult to settle his thoughts down.

Lucilline couldn't stop thinking. Sometimes, he wished that his brain could just stop working, so that he'd finally fall asleep.

Unfortunately, that wasn't the case.

Lucilline flipped over back and forth in his bed. Restlessness tickled him by the toe, and he clenched his legs, feeling the cold creeping over his body. His black hair sprawled across the snowy white pillow, making a remarkable polarity.

Underneath the blanket covers, his slender body curled up in a ball. The curtains were closed, but traces of the moonlight still wandered into Lucilline's peculiar golden eyes.

All of a sudden, the sound of noises came from the hallway.

"Huh?" Lucilline felt irked. Unconsciously, he heightened his ears, trying to hear what was going on outside his door.

There were muffled noises, but he could make out what was happening.

A familiar deep voice had huffed, "Why do you look so down?" This voice belonged to Butler Augustine. His footsteps were firm and yet soft enough to be dismissed as pure imagination. Beside him was another familiar voice—female this time. "It's none of your business!" This voice belonged to Willow.

"You look upset." Augustine pressed his lips into a thin line. His face was cold and sharp, enough to cut through an iceberg.

"I don't!" Willow defended herself.

Augustine and Willow stopped walking. They paused in the middle of the hallway, with Augustine taking the initiative to talk, "You're upset."

This caught the maidservant off guard.

Willow flinched, clenching her hands into fists, then argued back, "Of course I am upset! After all, you're still next to me—alive and well."

"I'm not why you're upset." Augustine remained decisive. "You're upset because of the heroine."

Behind the door and inside his bedroom, Lucilline was stunned awake. He could no longer try to fall into slumber. Cold assaulted his senses, with a chilly fragrance permeating in the room. He slowly sat up from the bed, leaving a few wrinkles on the blanket covers.

Willow is upset because of Daphnne? Lucilline felt puzzled. Why would his maidservant be upset by the heroine?

"H-How'd you know!" Willow puffed up like a defensive puffer fish. One could already imagine the toxic spikes that rises up from her body, as she tries to defend herself.

Augustine tilted his head, showing his well-defined neck, "I'm not dumb."

Willow fell silent. Since this butler could not be tricked, why should she continue lying? "Well, you're partially right about me being upset."

She grabbed a fistful of her maid dress, with the black and white fabrics scrunched up in her powerful fists. Her knuckles beamed poignant white, as if showing a glimpse of the strength brewing underneath her skin. Willow pressed a spare hand on her chest—feeling the remains of the burn she'd felt from the curse mark. It had long since stopped burning, but she swore she could still feel it tingling patches of her skin.

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