Chapter 59. A Scar Across the Back

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That night, Augustine had experienced an utter nightmare.

Ballroom dancing was horrible! Lucilline Rubius did not let him off easy just because he's his butler—in fact, his teachings became even more strict and stern! The teaching was not as what Augustine expected. Rather, the butler had been placed through strenuous training the whole night.

The butler wanted to curse the Demon Princess—you did not help! You just made things worse!

Alas, Augustine woke up to the next day with dark bags underneath his eyes.


The sound of water splashing across dishes echoed in a small wooden house.

Daphnne gently utilized a cloth, wiping it across the surfaces of porcelain plates until they become as clean as a swan's snowy feathers. The heroine tied up her chestnut brown hair, her iris blue eyes dim and yet twinkling before the sprinkles of sink water.

She softly hummed an unknown melody, one that was without rhythm or precision. It was purely based off of her current mood.

The morning was bright, yet the clouds piling on the surface made it difficult to remain cheerful.

The small house was permeated in a warm embrace, noticeable by the drifting scent of sweet floral.

All of a sudden, the door was swept open!

"...what made you come back?" Daphnne's eyes widened.

A handsome figure of pale skin and white hair had stepped inside, the strands long enough to touch his shoulders. Azalea brushed his head of white aside, his good-looking and sharp chin akin to a beautiful blanket of snow. He was dressed in a pure white trench coat, with a purple scarf wrapped around his swan-like neck.

The young knight smiled gently.

"I was given an invitation to Grand Duke Delta's birthday banquet," Azalea hummed, "I am going to be a guard for His Royal Highness the Crown Prince..."

Daphnne applauded him, "That's amazing!"

Her eyes were soft with a bright light. To think that Azalea's childhood dreams of becoming a knight... is finally coming true.

"Oh," the heroine suddenly turned puzzled, "Then why did you come here? Shouldn't you still be at the Royal Knights' quarters?"

She and Azalea shared the same small house to live in, but barely interacted with one another. Daphnne was always busy with her small herbal shop, meanwhile Azalea was always outside busy with his knightly duties. They paid for all their expenses together—and that was it.

Often times, Daphnne would sigh at this situation.

They were friends who barely talked with one another. They lived together—but the small house felt empty despite having two people inside.

Daphnne was convinced that if they were never raised in the same orphanage... then they would have never become friends.

"Well," Azalea muffled his voice in his scarf, "The Grand Duke's birthday banquet is coming in less than a week. I wish to shower right now then train afterwards."

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