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[ You're weak ]

Ever since starting at Touou Academy, Momoi had been bugging Aomine to go to classes and show his face at practice. She had been adamant about him having a responsibility to his family to study, and his team to practice. She was naive.

Aomine allowed his now closest friend, to drag him to class but he still avoided practices. He had no intention of getting better unless someone caught up with his superior skills. As of right now, he himself was the only person who could've beaten him.

Though he showed up to school more frequently than before, he hated every second of it. He had to watch his best friend, do her damndest to avoid him. Miyoshi kept her gaze on the floor, or out the windows, whatever she had to, to not meet his eye. She waited until Aomine and Momoi got up and left before leaving class and she was late more often than not in order to choose a seat far, far away from them.

To him, that was torture.

To make matters worse, Miyoshi had started to change. He noticed she'd lost weight and her skin had turned an unnaturally pale shade. And her eyes... the only time he was able to get a glimpse, they were empty and void of emotion. Hopeless.

Whenever Aomine caught himself staring at her, his gut twisted with worry and guilt. Yet, every time, he pushed it deep down and pretended like nothing was wrong. He had no right to behave otherwise because it was his fault. He had ruined the best relationship of his life.

A frustrated groan escaped him. A soft expression passed over Momoi's features when she realized who Aomine had been looking at.

"You should talk to her," she whispered.


As if Miyoshi would hear anything he had to say.

"I'm serious, Ahomine," Momoi scolded.

"She wants nothing to do with me." He sounded bitter even to his own ears.

"You're even denser than I thought!" Momoi's exclamation drew everyone's attention to the two. Well, apart from Miyoshi.

"Shut up Satsuki," Aomine snapped.

"Momoi-san, Aomine-san. Is there something you would like to share with the class?" the teacher asked.

The room fell silent.

Aomine shook his head and shot Momoi a glare, which she returned with equal fury.

After class Aomine quickly retreated to his spot on the roof with his less-than-decent magazines. He forced himself to look at the girl spread across the fold. Her hair wasn't dark enough and her eyes were the wrong color. Her provocative clothing did nothing for him. It was just all wrong.

"Tch." He let out a disgruntled sound and threw the magazine aside.

It didn't distract him from the self-loathing that had been his companion since his last championship victory.

After another twenty minutes or so, Momoi finally found him glaring at the unwitting clouds.

That was another one of his regrets. He had not only burnt down his friendship with Miyoshi but Momoi's too. The pinkette had had nothing to do with it but she'd been dragged into the middle of it, regardless.

She didn't say it but Aomine knew she blamed him too. Miyoshi wasn't the only one his actions had hurt.

"Ahomine!" Momoi yelled.

The navy-blue-haired boy flinched and he aimed a vicious scowl at her.

"Are you trying to make me deaf?!"

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