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[ Let me do this ]

"Hurry up! We're gonna be late!" Kagami called out from the front door.

Riyo had agreed to play in the street ball tournament with the Seirin first years. Well, first years and Kiyoshi Teppei. And play was a strong word. They had enough players so that they didn't need her to play but she'd agreed to go anyway and cheer them on.

Then again, she was also doing a favor for Riko who had asked her to keep an eye on the boys during their day off. She was worried they might overexert themselves in the games and to be fair, knowing them, Riko's concern was more than deserved.

"Give me a minute!" Riyo called back throwing a pair of sweatpants and a hoodie on her bed, only it was followed by a whimper.

Her gaze flew to the pile of clothes and it wiggled. Riyo rushed over and threw the clothes to the floor, revealing Iverson lying on the bed aiming an accusatory look at her. He laid his head on his paws with a huff.

"Sorry," she whispered guiltily and scratched his ear as a peace offering. "I'm a little distracted," she admitted and crouched down so she was at eye level with Iverson. "I might actually play basketball today."

She flashed the dog a half-smile and he tried to lick her face.

The door to Riyo's room flung open. "Oi! What's taking you so--" Kagami froze. "YOUR STUFF IS EVERYWHERE!"

She turned to face him with an apologetic smile on her face. "I'm almost ready."

The sudden interruption was followed by what Riyo would describe as a hurricane. And if a hurricane meant a 6'3" redhead dashing around her room like his pants were on fire while throwing her things into a gym bag, she would be correct. Kagami even drove Iverson, who had grown very used to the basketball prodigy's sudden movements and general loudness, out of the room with his antics.

Though Riyo had to admit he was effective. It didn't take long until Riyo and Kagami were on their way and Iverson was left napping in her room.

They met up with the Seirin players in front of the registration booth.

"I'll go sign us up," Kiyoshi offered and disappeared into the line.

"You're late," Tetsuya stated from behind Riyo and Kagami making them both jump and turn.


"I can't help it."

"You-- You-- IDIOT!"

Unsurprisingly, an argument ensued between Kagami and Kuroko. Although, Riyo wasn't convinced it could be called that since Kagami was doing all the arguing while Kuroko was shrugging him off with an unrelenting, steady look and occasionally using #2 as his personal bodyguard, letting the dog stretch his paw at Kagami's face.

"I think Kiyoshi's waving us over," Riyo said grabbing the back of Kagami's collar and pulling him away from Kuroko.

Kagami's arguments died down as he transitioned into basketball mode. It was like someone had flipped a switch. He was completely focused and his eyes were roaming the other teams, sizing them up, probably imagining what kind of opponents they would be, and who to look out for. That was until they landed on people he recognized. Some Seiho players were signing up as well. Another situation erupted as Kagami went head to head with one of their players and both Kiyoshi and Kuroko had to drag Kagami away.

Seirin won their first match, only to find out that Seiho had lost theirs. The Seirin boys and Riyo had wanted to watch that game but Kagami had insisted he had still been hungry and they'd had to make a pitstop for more food.

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