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[ Kiss me ]

Aomine's back was to her, so Riyo couldn't see his face. Couldn't gauge his reaction to her request. Other than for the stiffening of his posture, there was nothing to indicate he'd been affected by it at all.

Kiss me.

The words echoed in her mind, over and over. Perhaps she'd gone crazy... Or maybe she'd been given one too many painkillers. Either way, there was no going back now. What she had set in motion, might just wreck them both, worse than their falling out a few months back, but she had to know if they still had something worth fighting for.

For a few excruciating seconds, Riyo wondered if he would keep walking and brush her off but then ever so slowly, Aomine turned around. His deep blue eyes found hers and Riyo's traitorous heart stumbled over a beat. His gaze was so much softer than usual, it unsettled her. But he didn't move. Didn't take one step. As if he was giving her a chance to back out and take back what she'd asked of him. One last out.

Not kissing Aomine the day that picture had been taken was Riyo's biggest regret when it came to him. She wouldn't miss her chance twice.

"Kiss me," she said again, the words both a plea and a demand.

Aomine's lips parted as he took one torturously unhurried step closer, and then another. There was a flutter in her stomach similar to the one she'd felt when he'd leaned in on the court. Then he was so close she had to fight her instinct to back up. Ever so softly, he ran his thumb across her lower lip, his gaze tracking the movement. With his other hand, he tucked a stray strand of dark hair behind her ear. Riyo's heart was pounding.

"Kiss me," she rasped, barely audible.

Aomine leaned in and his lips grazed hers, tentatively at first. Something in Riyo's heart cracked wide open and the air around them shifted. She returned the kiss and it became more demanding, more urgent, more desperate. Like they'd both been waiting too long for this.

His hands wrapped around her waist, pulling her closer. Their bodies pressed together tightly, and she reveled in every inch that connected. She'd had a dream like this once, and when she'd woken up the pain of it not being real had almost crushed her.

Riyo gently ran a hand through his soft hair, the other curving at the nape of his neck. She never wanted to stop, never wanted to let go, if this was a dream she never wanted to wake up. They fit together so seamlessly.

They'd wasted so much time.

A door opened down the hall, and they quickly pulled apart, both flustered and breathing hard. There was a hunger in Aomine's eyes she hadn't noticed before, like a panther readying to pounce. It sent a shiver down her spine and Riyo realized her own eyes must've reflected something similar.

They stared at each other for too long, neither saying a word, both trying to make sense of what had happened, what exactly they'd done. They'd kissed. And it had been good. So good. Still, it was hard to believe it had actually happened. That it was all real. And yet, there he was, standing right in front of her.

Just to be sure, Riyo pinched her arm. It stung. 

When she lifted her gaze back up to meet his, it was like something clicked into place for her. Like she'd found some missing piece to a puzzle she hadn't known she'd been trying to solve. She felt whole again.

"I forgive you," Riyo whispered hastily.

Aomine didn't move. She wasn't entirely sure that he was even breathing, maybe she wasn't either. She pulled him into a bone-crushing hug.

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