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[ I want to call in my favor ]

The doctors checked Riyo. She was suffering from a slight lack of nutrients and a severe lack of regular training which was the reason she had lost consciousness after too much physical exertion. They said it was nothing an IV drip and rest wouldn't fix. After some x-rays and a whole lot of prodding and inspecting, they found out that she had stretched out some ligaments in her knee and would need up to a month of rest for it to fully heal. Fortunately, her ligaments hadn't been torn and she wouldn't need surgery. Considering the circumstances, she had gotten off easy, though there was a considerable amount of swelling and pain.

"Could've been worse," Riyo shrugged after repeating what the doctors had told her to the boys who had been waiting for her in the waiting area. Apart from the guys and an assortment of chairs, it was currently empty.

Kagami and Aomine still looked like two pots about to boil over any second. On edge and ready to pounce at the slightest trigger.

"It's good to hear that you're alright, Riyo. You gave us quite the scare," Teppei told her, sounding every bit the unappointed guardian of the Seirin team.

In the way he hung his head, she heard the words he left unsaid. The ones he would've used to take responsibility for something that wasn't his fault. Considering what had happened to him last year, today's game must've brought up some bad memories for him.

Still, Riyo had made the choice to play. Had chosen to take the risk. She'd be damned if she let Teppei or anyone else other than the moron they'd played against feel responsible. It had been an ugly game and she was glad no one else had gotten injured. Better her, than any of the boys. They were all needed in the Winter Cup. She was not.

"Sorry," Riyo apologized half-heartedly with a wince.

"Here," Tetsuya said and pushed #2 into Riyo's arms.

The dog licked her face excitedly and a smile broke free as she ran her fingers over his soft fur.

"Hi, handsome. How'd you get here?" she cooed at the dog. #2 barked in response and Riyo instantly hushed him. "You gotta be quiet. You're not supposed to be in here," she whispered, glancing around for any nurses or doctors passing by. Fortunately, there weren't any.

She hugged the dog and kissed his head before handing him back to Tetsuya. "He's pretty restless, I think he wants to go play in the sun."

Kuroko dipped his chin in agreement. "We'll wait for you outside."

"Thank you for bringing him Tetsu." She offered him a grateful smile which he returned.

Teppei cleared his throat and said, "I should go too."

The two of them left and an uncomfortable silence stretched between Riyo, Aomine, and Kagami because none of them seemed to know what to say or where to start. The air in the room was filled with tension.

That was until Kagami blurted, his tone heavy with pent-up anger, "Why'd you go on the court?" He was scowling at Riyo as if he were angry with her.

Before she could reply, Aomine interjected, "She was protecting you and your team. Especially Kiyoshi." There was a hint of disgust in the word 'team'.

Aomine had noticed. He'd seen her.

"You--" Kagami started but changed his mind and shook his head letting the words die off.

"I needed to blow off some steam," Riyo answered, even though Aomine had been right about her reasons.

She locked eyes with Aomine. A fire burned behind his, similar to Kagami's and she couldn't for the life of her figure out what was fueling it but she was too curious to let it go.

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