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In New York, Kenneth, too, attempted to follow his teachings, except he stagnated and doubted. He wanted something, but he didn't know what. Life was full of desires the man wished he could whisk away.

As always, he dived headfirst into work. With the fairs and other events, the man delayed many projects of his publishing house by lack of time, so he decided to optimize things.

"Hey, Mathilda."

"Oh, gosh where, yor accente. Yea, sound like a prro-per American, Lil Kenny."

"I'm glad you're here," Kenneth said as he hugged the woman.

"So am I. I doubt yor lads arre rredy."

Kenneth smiled and released her from the hug, "the meeting is in three minutes, but everyone should arrive about now."

As soon as Kenneth said it, the door opened, and in came his collaborators.

The man nodded at Mathilda, who smiled back. She was optimistic, straightforward, and loyal; Kenneth felt he needed someone like her to bring new insights and support him.

"Hi, everyone; this morning's meeting will be short and sweet. I just want to present to you Mathilda Murphy; she'll be taking the position of chief editor and will be working with me."

Meredith cocked a brow.

"Hi, I'm verrri happi to be here."

Meredith leaned over to Rob, "is she speaking in English?"

"Plaise be diligent, I've got a verri strrong Irish accente."

"I've already got a headache," Meredith said, touching her forehead.

"Excuse me, let me know if I'm botherring yea."

Meredith blinked; Kenneth didn't intervene. The episode proved once more the PA hadn't retained anything. Mathilda continued to present herself but also her expectations for Kenneths' publishing house. Everyone left the room with a clear vision of where Life Editions were heading.

"Meredith, can you stay a minute?" Kenneth asked once the meeting ended.

The woman waited for everyone to leave, including Mathilda, "did I do something wrong, Kenneth?" Meredith asked once the door closed.

"Are you happy, Meredith?"

"Yes, why?"

"See, I doubt that. I think you and I have come to an expiration date. I think you don't find it pleasurable to work here anymore."

Meredith's facial expression went from surprised to tragic as she said, "Kenneth, I'm sorry. Whatever I did, I'm sorry."

Kenneth took a deep breath, "you see that right there, it proves we should stop this. You can't apologize when you don't even know what I'm reproaching you. It doesn't make sense," Kenneth sighed, "It's not how it should be. You shouldn't be willing to bend or agree with everything I say."

"But you're my boss," Meredith exclaimed.

"If so, then what you did during the meeting and at the fair is inappropriate. I can't be your boss when you feel like it. You can't flip modes like you dowhenever youo see another woman. "

"I don't do that."

A blitz smile appeared on Kenneths' face, "I can't do this anymore. Meredith, you're fired."

The woman blinked, "excuse me can you repeat, please?"

"Meredith, please don't make things more complicated."

"Kenneth, please."

"I said, you're fired. I'm sorry, Meredith. I recognize that I shouldn't have let things get out of hand. IㅡI ruined you. By my side, you're becoming this twisted person you're not. I will never give or provide what you want from me. You and I, it'sㅡ.It just has to stop. I wasn't even capable of protecting and caring for someone I loved. How can Iㅡ."

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