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"Today's talk is very selfish. I'm going to talk about Moi. ㅡYes, I hear you. I always talk about myself. I am my very own guinea pig. It's via my experience and observations that I began to coach. I sought to improve and educate the person I was into the person I wished to become. I wanted to fix the broken boy to save the man.

"ㅡI am still learning and fixing myself because self-improvement is a lifelong process, no matter how many books I write and read. So here's a fresh piece; it details my observations and what I've experienced in the last few months. Today, I will be talking about the unscheduled pleasures and the pressures of parenting. Where am I coming from? ㅡEleven months ago, I had the most frightening and beautiful experience of my entire life. I became a father, and my life twisted and turned upside down."

Kenneth paused, and images of the last months flooded his mind.

"ㅡYou see, when I found out I was going to become a father. What flashed before my eyes was the word pain. I was a pain as a kid, and eleven months ago, I was convinced a kids' job was literally to drive us up the wall, but I also saw the word loss. I thought I would lose my freedom. After a moment, I began to say to myself, alright, you can do this, Kenneth. Plan your parenting. Bad idea, believe me, you can not. I repeat, you can not plan your parenting. You can try, but trust me, things will go how they want to go without your blessing. The only thing you can do is work on your stress factor, and that's your mindset.

"ㅡFor example, I hate ironing. My other half," Kenneth paused and looked down the aisle. How he wished Monday and Ryleigh were there. " ㅡShe can Iron three days straight and come out of the experience unbothered, I'd rather a bungy jump off Niagra Falls than do that. I only like to cook when I'm doing it with someone. You can't imagine how often I almost starved because I let my mind remind me how long it takes to cook and all the cutting and chopping needed. My mind pressured me into giving up, but if I don't let demotivation beat me, I find cooking pleasurable and even feel a sense of pride when I finish.

"ㅡWhat are unscheduled pleasures? They are the things you decide to categorize as a chore as a first-hand reaction. Once you do that, you activate the pressure button, which will deflate your motivation. Well, guess what? Your friend here put his unborn child in that box. I let the pressure mount so high I ran. I was scared of failing and losing myself. I thought Kenneth would die. I know what you're thinking. What a coward, you're right. It's regretful, but I was that fearful," Kenneth said, pointing at himself. "ㅡThank goodness, I came to my senses because,"

Sweet, tangy, and sometimes sour, to say it was easy would be a lie, but on the whole, it was worth it, Kenneth thought and smiled. "Having a child has made me complete. Let's get back to our pressures; otherwise, I will cry. Okay, to overcome this fear, I thought planning would help. So I did all the maths and was proud of the outcome, but I forgot an essential part. My baby, my child, was the x-factor.

"I had no clue what type of child she would be. And I stupidly thought she'd be how I wanted. Please raise the red flag. I am guilty. You see, this is the moment in your life when you realize your education, wealth, or connections will not influence this being. Children come with their manual and roadmap. Mine came for me. From the moment she opened her eyes, she decided she would coach me. I swear she has me running around her little finger.

"I wanted to talk about this because I'm learning to be a parent, and I thought, well, there might be some other people in the same situation. They may be struggling with parenting, and like there is so much information, not all of it fits one's situation."

While Kenneth talked, Monday finally arrived in front of her publisher's booth.

"Monday," Ben yelled.

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