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"How is she?" Blaze asked.

"She's holding up and caring for herself," Luce said as she emptied her tray.

Monday told no one about her pregnancy. Only Luce knew for the moment. She didn't plan on announcing her pregnancy until the bump made its coming out . Monday had seen it once too often: one announced their pregnancy, and the next minute, there was a miscarriage.

Thus, she kept he mouth shut and avoided meeting people. She spent a lot of time reading and following online courses. She, too, pretended life went on. Kenneth gave no sign of life. It saddened her, but she didn't see the point of whining or crying. Monday had one goal, and she strived to achieve it.

"Where are you heading now?" Blaze asked.

Luce's lips drooped, "geriatric."

"Good luck."

Luce waved and left the doctor, who headed back to his office. Blaze was halfway there when he recognized a familiar silhouette walking towards him. In her thoughts, Monday even strode straight past Blaze.


Monday approached him, remembering how Luce had explained it was essential for Blaze to see someone's lip movements when they spoke, "Oh, doctor, I didn't see you."

"Yeah, I noticed," Blaze replied nervously, "I just left Luce if you're looking for her."

"I'm not here for my cousin. I had an appointment," Monday replied.

A few seconds of silence passed, and Monday wondered if the doctor would let her off the hook concerning the explanations, but Blaze's insisting stare pushed her to answer.

"I'm sure Luce told you already," Monday began.

Blaze frowned to feign ignorance, "tell me what?"

"Please don't play with my intelligence, doctor. I'm sure you know I'm pregnant. I just came from obstetrics and got lost."

"I see, sorry. I didn't intend to play with you. I figured you wanted to share things on your own time." Another awkward silence passed before Blaze pursued with, "If you want, I can lead you out of this labyrinth."

"Thank you. I don't have the mindset to find my way out right now."

The two began to walk down the corridor.

"How did it go?" Blaze asked.

"My appointment, hmm, it went," Monday answered. She didn't mean to sound dry, but she couldn't help it, even with Blaze's compassionate stare upon her.

"I know we don't know each other well, and I'm probably not the person you wish to talk to, but if you need any help, Iㅡ."

"Can I ask you a question, doctor?"

"Yes, sure," Blaze replied, stopping on the spot.

"It's indiscreet," Monday emphasized.

Blaze smiled, "I offered to lend an ear, so fire."

"Did your parents hesitate? I mean, did they hesitate to have you when they found out you would have a hearing impairment?"

Monday asked the forbidden question, the one people thought about but never had the guts to ask. Even Blaze had scruples to ask his parents, and their answer was what he decided to reveal to Monday in the hospital's bustling corridor.

"My mother didn't doubt; she told me she loved me from the moment she found out about her pregnancy. My parents knew the probabilities were high, but they chose to have me, and from the looks of things, they don't regret it. It was harder for my father. He felt guilty since it was hereditary, but he got over it. Both have always supported me. My parents helped me achieve my dreams."

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