The Dream

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"No, don't leave me, Blue," I cling to him, crying.

"I am sorry, I have to." He pushes me and walks away, making me watch his fading shadow.

I wake up sweating profusely. I take deep breaths and look at my room to find Blue near my bed, holding a bucket full of water.

"You were going to pour that on me?" I question, giving him a deadpan look.

"I am," He answers and pours it on me. Me being awake did not stop him from drenching me with water. I take deep breaths to stop myself from killing him.

"Don't kill me. This is for last year. You woke me up by tying me to my bed and switching on the fire alarm. This is very small compared to what you did." He states, backing away from me.

I chuckle. I tied him to his bed and, watching him struggle to free himself was fun to watch. I know I am evil. But he chose me to be his best friend so, he must endure these pranks.

"Wait downstairs. I will meet you in 15 minutes," I inform and enter the bathroom. I stand under the water for some time, thinking about the dream. I shake my head to remove the negative thoughts. I look at myself in the mirror.

I am not what you call beautiful or pretty. I am your average 16-year-old. I have an oval-shaped face with a sharp jawline. I have acne on my forehead, which I try to cover with my bangs. I have brown eyes that change colour under sunlight and short brown wavy hair that matches my eyes. I have straight teeth, mostly because I wear braces.

I have pretty big eyes with long, dark lashes. That is probably the only thing I love about myself. But they are also covered since I wear glasses. I blame the genes. I have a huge nose that I hate and, I try to smile less because it makes my nose look huger. I am 5 feet 7, considerably tall, and have long arms and small palms with tall fingers. I have long legs with fat thighs and calves. My skin looks very pale too.

I sigh and try not to think about how unattractive I am. I pick a random hoodie, my favourite ripped jeans, and pair it with white sneakers. I brush my hair and tie it up in a high ponytail and position my bangs to cover my forehead. I apply some mascara and lip gloss.

I don't like makeup. Mainly because it makes my skin itch and increases acne. I pick my backpack from under a huge pile of clothes and run downstairs.

"Good morning mom, dad," I greet my parents. My mom is a baker, she owns a bakery, and my dad works for an advertising firm. I grab a piece of toast and spread Nutella, and rush outside. I am very late.

"Bye, mom, dad. Love you," I don't wait for a reply and run outside. School is near, so Blue and I skateboard to school. I meet Blue, standing there, looking at his phone with my board n his hands.

"You sure took your time," I take the board from him, and we start heading towards school.

"Sorry," I smile sheepishly. Blue has an older brother five years older than him. He taught us how to skate and taught me how to protect myself. My head is filled with thoughts about my dream.

"Bad dream?" He questions, reading my mind. I look at him and look ahead in time, barely missing the stop sign.

"Yeah," I didn't explain further, and he didn't ask any more questions because he knows that when I am ready, I will talk to him. We soon reach school, and I spot the Twins waiting for us and wave to them.

"Took you guys long enough," Ace greets us, doing the bro hug with blue. I hug Ado and, she rants how hard it was to choose her outfit while I roll my eyes. She is a girly girl, while I am more of a tomboy. I don't wear skirts or dresses that often.

"Guys, our line," I remind them. We all look at each other and smile and cup our hands around our mouth,

"WE ARE A4, HERE TO MAKE MEMORIES," We all shout and run inside laughing. Soon the chatter starts.

'It's A4,'

'Ace, please look at me,'

'No, August is hotter,'

'I wish I was in their group,'

'Look at Alex, she is not even pretty, and she is also a nerd. She does not belong with A4,'

Ace and Blue glare at the girl. She mumbles a sorry and looks away. I am used to people talking like that about me and each time, Ace and Blue shut them up. If you have not yet guessed Yes, Ace and Blue are what you call 'bad boys'. They are not players, though and don't treat girls like trash.

We collect our timetable, and Ace, Ado, and I have the first class together while Blue has a different subject.

"Aww, sucks. We don't have the first period together," Blue pouts.

"I will see you within an hour Blue," I smile at him and head towards class.

"DOVE," I hear blue's voice, and I turn around. He has a huge grin on his face.

"Here it comes," Ace sings.

"ALWAYS YOU BEFORE..." He waits for me to finish.

"LOVE AND LIFE," I shout back. He grins, and I chuckle.

"I love you, Dove,"

"I love you too Blue," I give him a wave and head towards class.

"Aww man, it always gives me goosebumps when you guys do that," Ace tells me, shuddering.

"Don't overreact," Ado hits her twin. I chuckle and enter the class.

"That was the longest hour of my life," Blue complains.

"Aww, were you lonely without her around?" Ace teases Blue and ruffles his hair, and rubs his chin as you do to a dog. He swats his hand away and fixes his hair.

"Guys want to start a food fight?" Ado questions with a smirk. Ace doesn't wait for a reply and throws ketchup at Blue. The whole cafeteria looks at them.

"Oh, you are on," Blue smirks wiping the ketchup out of his eyes.

"FOOD FIGHT," Someone shouts and what comes after that is chaos.

"Ahh, my back hurts," Ace groans. We have detention for a week, and the principal made us clean the whole cafeteria where all four of us had a water fight.

"I had a lot of fun," I grin.

"Memorable first day for A4?" Blue questions.



The dream. What do you think is going to happen? Vote and leave a comment. Jesus loves you.


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