My Secret

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He grins as he enters. He has changed. Calling him hot would be an understatement. He has grown taller. He must be more than six feet now. He is also more muscular but not the bodybuilder kind, and his pale blue eyes seem brighter. His previously curly hair is straight and jet black. His pale skin now looks a bit tanned. He has that cocky grin on his face thinking he is better than everyone else.

"Hello, beautiful," He greets me. I stand there completely shocked.

"I know I look handsome, but you don't have to be this shocked," He smirks.

He doesn't recognize me. Yeah, the 15-year-old me would not recognize the current me either. I open my mouth to answer him but end up laughing.

"You don't recognize me, do you?" I question and start laughing again. I laugh to the point where my stomach starts hurting. The whole hallway is silent. This situation is hilarious.

"Good," I nod to myself with a smirk on my face. A look of recognition passes his face.

"Dove," He breaths. I shake my head.

"Dove? I don't know her. My name is Alexis," I snap and turn around to head to class.

Adora is smiling that her friend is back, but Ace gives him a death glare and pulls me by my wrists to my first class.

"If I stayed there any longer, I would have killed him," Ace takes deep breaths trying to control his anger.

"But it is good to know that he is doing well even though he is not one of us anymore," Adora sighs.

I am not going to lie. I am happy he is doing good. He disappeared without any trace. I feel ashamed to say this, but I was worried about him. Worried, something happened to him.

"Let's continue with our day. Him, coming back does not change anything," I inform them and head to class.

"Class, we have a new student," The teacher announces and asks August to introduce himself.

"Hi, I am August. You guys probably know me. But nice to see you again," He smiles.

"Please take a seat," The teacher informs him.

The only empty seat is beside me in the back. The twins and Cam have different periods. I silently curse. He slowly approaches me and takes a seat.

I try not to be disturbed by his presence and listen to the class. From the corner of my eye, I find him staring at me. I take a deep breath, trying not to snap at him.

"I want you to submit an essay by next week which will contain fifty per cent of your grade. It is a group assignment. Your partner will be the person sitting next to you," The teacher announces.

Could this day get any worse? My ex-best friend who humiliated me tried to flirt with me, and we are partners for a project that contains fifty per cent of our grade. God, do you really hate me that much?

The bell rings, and I get out of the class as soon as I can, not wanting to talk to him.

"Alex," I ignore him and head towards the next class.

"Alex," He calls again, and I ignore him again.

"Alex," He catches my wrist, and I turn around, ready to knee him in the gut. He lets go of my wrist and stops my knee with both of his palms. I look at him, confused. A normal person would not have been able to stop that attack unless...

"You changed," He mumbles.

"What do you want?" I hiss at him.

"The project. Here is my address. Sunday morning at 11," He informs and then scurries off. I stand there watching his retreating back. I sigh and keep the paper in my pocket, and head to the class

Soon lunch comes around, and I find The twins and Cam waiting for me near my locker. I greet them and place my things in my locker, only to find a jock trying to bully a boy.

"Do this assignment for me. If I don't find this on my table tomorrow, you know what will happen," He smirks, and the boy hurriedly nods his head.

I kick the back of his knee hard, making him kneel on the ground. I hold his hair tight and make him look at me.

"You deserve to stay on your knees and beg his for forgiveness," I growl at him.

"Just because you are big and strong, you get to walk over other people?" I question him pulling his hair making him shriek.

"If I ever see you bullying him or any other person ever again, you will regret ever joining this school," I threaten him and let go of his hair feeling, utterly disgusted by people like him.

"You bit-" Before he could finish, I kick him hard, there, and he falls, holding his private place.

"I was going to beat him to a pulp, but this is way worse." Ace grimaces.

"Also, remind me to never mess with you again. I would like to have children in the future," Ace informs me protecting himself. I chuckle and hit him on the shoulder as we head to the cafeteria. I look at the crowd, and my eyes find Blue looking at me, completely shocked. I smirk. He should know that I am not the same, weak and pathetic girl anymore.

Soon it's the weekend, and I go to the twin's house for a sleepover. We watch movies and enjoy the whole day, and soon it's time.

"You ready?" Ace questions.

"Always," I reply. Adora stops me before I leave and hands me my backpack.

"You forgot something. Also, please be safe. I am out of concealer," I chuckle and thank her.

Ace and I start driving towards our destination. We soon reach an old café and enter.

"Hi, Black," I greet the owner. He is 40 years old and likes to call himself black even though it's not his real name.

"Ah, my favourite customer," He grins.

"The mask?" I question.

"Here. I am honoured to be the only one who knows your true identity," He smirks.

"Keep it a secret," I wink at him with a smile and head towards the back door. I wear my mask before entering. The sound of cheers and hollering enters my ear.

"You are late," Asher complains.

"Chill Weber. I always arrive on time." Yes, Asher is August's older brother who manages this place.

"You have five minutes before you are on," He informs me. I nod and go to the changing room to change my outfit.

I am already wearing a black sports bra. I wear a black sleeveless T-shirt on top and black sports shorts. Ace comes inside after I am done and helps me tape my fingers and wrist.

We both head outside to hear the announcer announce the next match.

"Ladies and Gents, we have a treat for you. You will be able to see the 'Ruthless Queen' in action today," The crowd hollers, and the announcer continues.

"She is undefeated in the ring. She started fighting a year ago, and to this day, no one has defeated her. Another surprising turn of events, her opponent is none other than 'The Blue King'. He disappeared for two years and is finally back. He was also undefeated in the ring."

"Let the ultimate showdown between two undefeated champions, the King and the Queen, start," The crowd erupts in more cheers.

"That is me. Wish me luck," I inform Ace and turn around to enter the ring. But Ace stops me.


"Don't fight today."


It was so satisfying to write this chapter. Am I leaving too many cliffhangers? Why did Ace stop her? Vote and leave a comment. Jesus loves you.


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